
What could i expect from doing LSD

15 posts in this topic

so im going to do Lsd and im really curious to what sort of insights im going to get. 

Could you share some of yours?

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I have never tripped in my entire life, but I can tell that LSD - and pretty much all traditional psychedelics - will affect people differently. You can watch and read trip reports (there is a trip report mega-thread on this forum) and make sure you trip safely. 

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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Hello, you could expect something like that. stay safe... :) 


Edited by egoless

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An added experience of that which is different than the usual daily experience which gives itself significance as being the quality of being sacred or beyond the general state of consciousness. Then once that chemical reaction with the body ceases you are back to the normal state of conciousness and then the memory of that experience creates the mechanical process of pleasure to experience that again. Then taking that chemical becomes habitual to capture that experience again and again. And then my friend you are again stuck in a movement of propetual desire. ??‍♂️

Or perhalps you will levitate into a state of “absolute infinity” lol ? 

But if you have made up your mind already about this you might want to make sure an expert on that subject helps you carful friend??

Edited by Faceless

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I've never solo tripped. I'd recommend bringing someone you're comfortable with if possible as it's your first time. If you feel a little overwhelmed they can help calm you down. 

From my experience a good acid trip will fill you with a childlike-wonder and it'll feel like an adventure.  A bad one will leave you very confused for what can feel like a looong time. I've never really come away with any profound realisations personally because my trips have all been leisure-based.

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@Omario You can expect to have your mind blown in ways you cannot expect.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just want to add:

it surely feels this way:

A person who have never tried psychedelics is a mind virgin.

(don't take it to seriously its just a funny line)

My advice for you from about 7 trips would be:

Stay grounded in reality.

It might be less "exiting" because you don't "just flow with it"

but we are focused on self growth and that is the most beneficial way in my opinion.

Good day brother :)

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Thank you my friend :) but not really the words flow effortlessly so i guess my fingers are smart?



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@Omario One cannot imagine a higher state of contagiousness they have never seen. It's like living your whole life within a city, then one day looking down on the city from a mountain top. An entirely different perspective. 

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@Omario  It can't be explained very well linguistically. You just have to try for yourself. Let the experience lead you and don't try to control too much. And don't believe a single thing your thoughts tell you.

And try eating an apple during the trip. It will be the best tasting apple you've ever had :)

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@Omario I agree with what’s been said already. You can’t possibly know what’s coming, it’s that far out. The word “mindfuck” will never be the same for you. I would suggest putting your focus on preparation - your foundation. If you are meditating 30 minutes a morning, and enjoying it, then chances are good the trip will be worthwhile. Even if you’re not “ready”, and have a bad time, it’s sorta worthwhile too, just not the easier route. There are no bad trips, just sometimes we are far less ready to face the truth.



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