
I think this is my last (huge) addiction.

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As far as i'm concerned, internet is the last addiction that's robbing me of my precious time. I've been using the internet since i was 10, and started playing video-games since i was 6-7. I'm not really playing video-games anymore ( maybe some flash game on Mini-clips now and then), but now i'm watching other people playing games on Twitch. I honestly can't imagine dropping this, because this website entertains me like crazy, but at the same time i find it ridiculous because i'm watching people playing games or doing weird stuff on the irl section for hours on end, and this is keeping me from doing the things i rather need, and want to do.  

Getting rid of internet as a total, probably isn't an option because i want to be able to visit this forum and watch Leo's videos now and then. I also want to keep using the internet to do research for myself. I need advice on this.

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Internet in itself is useful the problem is the addiction . . .

I personally started to cut out unuseful stuff like twitch (deleting my account), unfollowing all the videogame channels in youtube (90% of my yt subs were gamers or news about gaming like IGN), not checking anymore kotaku or neogaf ect. . . If you reshape your internet usage in order to serve your personal development or even for playing while you're conscious about that its ok . . . The last thing you gonna be addicted is this forum lol

Edited by Leo-Tzu

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As I am struggling with similar problems, I got the insight that there is an unconscious motive behind doing "useless" things.

Your system of values somehow values low-quality entertainment more than deep and meaningful work. Explore that.

Find a meaningful life purpose. Face your inner demons.


Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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My biggest addiction is internet as well. Maybe you could do a one week internet fast to reset your brain.

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Even Actualized can be too much, i am starting to notice myself. The only thing i have noticed you cannot get too much of or that we actually need much more of in today's world is nature and the natural flow of life(so to speak). The more time you spend in nature, the more yourself and the more whole and connected to source you become.

Even Helping others is very addictive, you tend to forget about yourself. When you forget about yourself your advice will not be as pure anymore. I use the internet a lot lately because i am at home although when i start traveling again i feel it will have a greater effect on spreading Light and more harmony can be achieved and shared in more profound ways.

I notice this with cannabis and psychedelics too, the more often i use them the less powerful the insights, where if i take a while off then they hit you like an awakening all over again. As all things in life, Balance is key.

Plant seeds, Move on.



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@Psyche_92 Schedule x4 10-day solo meditation retreats per year. That will auto-correct your problem.

Cutting internet is not a viable solution. The solution must come at the level of your consciousness.

Psychedelics help a lot too for this.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Take 2 weeks off.  Use website blockers and unplug your internet cable.  Only use Internet for business.  Go unplugged as much as possible for these 2 weeks.  Let’s see if you can do that and see how you feel after.  This will be a good test for you.  It’s long enough that you’ll likely find out a few things, and short enough to not have to change your routine right away.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I have exactly the same problem. Everytime i am on the internet i become extremely in urge of content or entertainment and i neurotically open twitch and leos blog and forum (although i have slready done that 10 times already). 

When i take s break from the pc (by putting the screen away) my brain deceives me that i need to watch x/y/z video from leo's course or other courses that i only have in my pc and my brain basically propagates me to put the screen back and i end up on twitch again.

Edited by Socrates

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14 minutes ago, Socrates said:

my brain basically propagates me to put the screen back and i end up on twitch again.

Exactly me.

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@Psyche_92 I know what you mean. Watching shroud and summit1g play was very fun and I loved just chilling and doing that.

What you have to do is see very clearly in your mind that this is something that doesn’t help you achieve your goals and keeps you stuck. When you see how much freed up time you have when that stuff is out of your life, you’ll never want to go back again (although there might be times during ego backlash where your mind reminds you of how fun and chill it was watching twitch. Be mindful of those.)

You got this man!

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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live from a perspective that see internet as a tool for your personal development, or whatever that serves your life purpose

To do it you need to imagine this senario, then to aply it.

In start you forget it but your only job is to notice when your awarness goes back into old habbits. And you bring it back to the new way of looking the things, and again , and again. With compassion and love

dont look at it as problem to solve

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@Psyche_92 Try using a program called StayFocused to limit the amount of time you allow yourself to be on certain sites. Works pretty well, but obviously you can't rely on it forever. 

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@Psyche_92 Drop acid and watch yourself waste away on whatever internet related thing you are using. Contemplate on how it's positively serving you and remind yourself/ reread your insights when you feel yourself slipping up afterward.

My succulent dropped on the 29th of December and has had no urge to compulsively use the internet since. But he's installed a meditation habit in conjunction with Holosync immediately after the trip so that's probably helping.

Psyches are incredible for breaking addiction patterns. 

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Don't worry about it too much

Find your life purpose and meditate a lot and you will notice that you will no longer want to spend as much time on the internet

Meditation is like autocorrect for your life and so is your vision for your purpose

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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