
How old were you when you got into pickup?

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and how long did it take you to get good at it?

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I wouldn't say I ever really got into to pickup, but I did approach one girl when I was 19. Had some success, we made out. At the time I had wasn't aware of the concept of pickup, but I got lucky because she was in the mood. 

When I talk to girls these days I don't consider it pickup either. I mostly do so because I've gotten bored of the party I'm at. 

For me the most important insight when it comes to attraction is:

The type of attraction you get is equal the what you showcase, what you showcase is equal to that you think you value comes from.

If you think your value comes from money, you'll get gold diggers. If you think your value comes from how nice and respectful you are, you'll make friends or become a doormat. If you think your value comes from who you are, people will want to know more about you and be interested in you. The latter is the best for sex, relationship and friendship.

Edited by Spiral

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I dabbled in it while in college, basically just using the stuff I was learning on girls at frat parties. But I really started to take it seriously when I was 23.

Took me about 6-8 months from there to get to a point where I started to consider myself good. And I was hitting it hard, usually out every single night.

If you're wondering if it was worth it, the answer is absolutely. Game is this awesome combination of fun + learning and growth. I'd do it all again.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Began learning it at 41 and am now 44. Still a beginner.

I am to busy working, so I don´t practise it so much.

It is, however, my conclusion that pickup is just a very small part of personal development and to try to just focus on the pickup part is pointless.

I have seen much more success with women after learning selfdevelopment.


Something I have been thinking on, would be _who_ the pickupartists _really_ tryies to pickup. The costumer or the girls?

So, I belive that most of them are golddiggers who themselves are clueless.

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