
Ayahuasca Trip Report Buenos Aires #4

5 posts in this topic

I feel like my brain is fried.  I think I took too many psyches too fast.

Still I learned alot.

Everything is alive, everything has a life, a spirit, an intelligence.  Thats why its so important to keep things clean and ordered in ones house, in ones mind, in ones affairs and relationships.

I saw how love was the motive behind all things, even anger and hate.  Somehow I saw that love was the fabric of that too.

Everything is really beautiful.  The music felt so beautiful I thought it would kill me.

I cried alot.  Lots of pain still needs to be healed, attended too, purged, made aware of.  Same for fears.

My body would not stop moving.  I think it might have been resistance to looking inside as deep as I could at my fears.  Even the shaman said  “Are you okay kid?  Relax, rest."

This shamanic path goes deep and it's full of suffering.

I understand now why a psychologist I had, she used to work a lot with shamanism, why she said that she thought people could grow and learn through enjoyment and play rather than suffering.

This path is a fucked up one.

But the joy is unbelievable as well.  The pleasure and love you feel, the heightening of consciousness that can't really be conceptualized, the connection to just Being, the walking out within the trees and feeling like you are on Pandora from the movie Avatar.

Running around like I was in my body for the first time.

Looking in the mirror and being so grateful and joyous to have a body.

Seeing the importance of stretching to keep the body flexible, and drinking clean water.  Really feeling that information sink in to my body, not just as some cool idea or theory.

Still, storming the gates of heaven through these medicines is a crazy endeavour.

But to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Thanks for sharing this, i have the ingredients for the brew sitting around somewhere just never have the time/place to journey in. Too busy helping others :P


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