
Coaching certifications

12 posts in this topic

I want to research this. Please provide the links to the best certificatations worldwide. Those who are certified- can you describe how the study processes are going? What are the opportunities after certification and what kind of specializations could be taken within the coaching? What kind of information do we need before deciding to get into this career?

what are the requirements to become a successful life coach? Will someone who is bad at public speaking still succeed in that career?

@Leo Gura in his video about life coaching is recommending iPEC. Are they still good? Which is the best option for EU?



Edited by egoless

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I'm interested in this too.  


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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  On 1/15/2018 at 1:37 AM, egoless said:

Noone with coaching experience here? o.O


I think some of us have, but we do not have the time to answer all those generic questions. Do a research and if you have questions here and there ok , but this is kind of lazy, sorry i got to be honest here to help you :)

So begin and search all those, you will find the answers as i did if you are interested enough! 

And there are no requirements, i am kind of introvert, i am no psychologist i work in finance and i coach pretty well my clients. It is just what are you willing to do to be the best out there. Best of Luck

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  On 1/15/2018 at 3:50 PM, George Fil said:


I think some of us have, but we do not have the time to answer all those generic questions. Do a research and if you have questions here and there ok , but this is kind of lazy, sorry i got to be honest here to help you :)

So begin and search all those, you will find the answers as i did if you are interested enough! 

And there are no requirements, i am kind of introvert, i am no psychologist i work in finance and i coach pretty well my clients. It is just what are you willing to do to be the best out there. Best of Luck

I see. I mentioned iPEC. I agree that from your point of view it seems lazy but right now I have very busy exam schedule. I wanted to prepare some initial ground before I start serious research on the topic. Is it possible to succeed only with 1on1 coaching? Because i think that’s where my main strengths are. I am very profound 1on1 conversationalist.

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Yes it is possible to succeed on 1vs1.

Try any certificate from ICF or EMCC accredited. That are the two top associations. Generally the studies are the least part, the major is to find clients and do it as a business. That my friend is the hardest. 

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  On 1/14/2018 at 4:47 PM, egoless said:

what are the requirements to become a successful life coach?

succeed at something else. you must be your own portfolio.

99% of the life coaches are frauds. they sell empty shells of success, as if you could be successful at being successful at being successful at being successful...

this is why i am telling you. become a master of a specific field first. then you can teach people how to become successful at something.

unborn Truth

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I cannot agree with ajasatya more in becoming the master of a specific field first, or simultaneously with your journey through personal development.

The level of integrity, value and life experience that comes from a coach that has mastered and succeeded (the definition of that is variable) in a specific field, but has also dedicated their life to personal development is magnitudes higher than one whose sole credentials are a life coach with roots in personal development.  

I consider a life/career coach as an extremely valuable relationship.  But, I have significant reservations about the prospect of making a career out of life coaching with a void of life/career experience.  It is one thing to present the image of success, and another to have achieved it.  I can only speak for myself, but I would not pay a life coach whose credentials were 'life coach'.  Not to say you wouldn't be able to provide some knowledge and value.  But, I would want to see more breadth of experience when making that investment.  

The most valuable coaching relationships I have had in my life were circumstantial, volunteer, organic and unintentional.  They were a by-product of us both pursuing our passions and living a life of meaning. 

P.S.  For most fields, especially if you have aspirations of influencing, you need to be an effective communicator.  My competence and confidence in public speaking has improved tremendously in 8 months (so far) of toastmasters.  I would recommend you get involved, and improve your skills if you want to change the world.

Egoless, what are your other interests and passions in life?

Edited by exhale

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@exhale I have too much different  interests. I am generalist. I love self study and acquiring random knowledge about the fields of my interest. I tried my career in Finance but did not enjoy it much even though I am very good at it (not boasting). 

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