
My mind is a bastard

19 posts in this topic

Up until my decision to want to eat a meat free diet I did eat meat, in small quantities, never really bothered me and I realised I've been cooking/purchasing/eating meat free meals anyway.


So I decided (around 3 days ago) I want to make this a way of life for good, for a number of reasons. 


Anyway, since making that decision my mind has been craving meat. It's like it wants what it can't have. I know this is false! I am aware of the false craving. 


My question is... Why does our minds do this? Another example just to make it clear, let's say you rarely eat sweets, so you make a decision to totally eradicate sweets from your diet all together. A few days later you find yourself unexpectedly craving sweets. Anybody know the psychology behind this?

I want to go Meta on my mind. 


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@Charlotte It’s because thinking about not eating sweets is still thinking about sweets.   Instead, write down what you want, example, eat more fruits. Then think about fruits. 

Don’t think about cake.




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Because the Goa'uld inside of you is still alive, you must starve it to death!


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10 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Charlotte It’s because thinking about not eating sweets is still thinking about sweets.   Instead, write down what you want, example, eat more fruits. Then think about fruits. 

Don’t think about cake.


Aaaaaah, I see! Will do, thank you @Nahm .


Don't think about cake ?


9 hours ago, pluto said:

Because the Goa'uld inside of you is still alive, you must starve it to death!

The what sorry @pluto?

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18 hours ago, Charlotte said:

Aaaaaah, I see! Will do, thank you @Nahm .


Don't think about cake ?


The what sorry @pluto?

Oh sorry it was a joke from the classic sci-fi show stargate. Its a parasite :P


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Because sugar is 8 times more addictive than heroin. The sugar addiction is the most world-wide spread "disease." Most of us have become addicted to it withing our first 4 years of life. 

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I think you need protein .. . Like the babies when they need calcium so they start to scratch and eat the walls lol

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Go enthusiastic about the decisión.

You have a lot to do replacing the meat


One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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the Mind is a sharp tool. don't cut your own fingers.

unborn Truth

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I'm always on diet eating healthy food, but when I try chocolate, cheese or other junk food I cant stop. It's like the cravings are stronger than normal people. And I have zero control. is weird.

Edited by Moreira

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On 28/01/2018 at 10:56 PM, Moreira said:

I'm always on diet eating healthy food, but when I try chocolate, cheese or other junk food I cant stop. It's like the cravings are stronger than normal people. And I have zero control. is weird.

I totally agree. I have the same exact outcome when I start eating something I "shouldn't" be eating. 

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@Charlotte Please be careful with your nutrition. If you remove the meat completely you have to remember to supplement with the necessary nutrients. 

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Because what you resists persists. Because "shoulds" and "shouldn't"s create guilt. Which keeps your attention locked on it. 

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On 1/29/2018 at 7:56 AM, Moreira said:

I'm always on diet eating healthy food, but when I try chocolate, cheese or other junk food I cant stop. It's like the cravings are stronger than normal people. And I have zero control. is weird.

That happens to me when i smoke weed sometimes haha :P I like it though because it tells me it has some power of me and i need less psychedelics more meditation :)



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Thanks everyone for your replies. 


I'm still eating fish and plenty of soya etc so my protein intake should be fine I hope. 


Seemed to have gravitated towards a Japanese type diet which I'm enjoying ?

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