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Ken Lecoq

The Ego. So Cunning...

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I like mdeitation, but I usually do it while walking or while driving... Today I tried meditating seated, eyes closed. I just wanted to share an insight I had while doing it.

I was doing a "Do nothing" meditation, letting go of all the thoughts that were arising, and forgotting all the conceptions and belifs that I hold (which is not that easy, because that's deeply rooted)... 

At some point, I was very relaxed, very still, and I was very aware of all the thoughts that came, and whenever I had one, I was just letting it go, very smoothly. Later during the meditation, I was giving too much intention on a thought, and became aware of it, so I just let it go as well ; but as I did it, one other thought came into my mind "F***, the ego is very heavy, the ego is this way, the ego is that way", but as I was thinking that, I was beliving this voice, because it was talking about the ego, so the voice had to come from somewhere beyond the ego... Well, that's what I was beliving, because I was taking this voice talking about the ego for granted. At the end, I had this insight, that even this voice, talking about the ego, was also coming from the ego... Because I heard "The ego is this way, the ego is that way"... but in the end, the question is "Who is asserting that that ?" "Where does that voice talking about the ego comes from ?"... And in the end, this voice was just a construction from the ego in order to distract me from looking deep inside and from letting go of every single thought.

Well, to conclude, I would say that the ego is as sly as a fox, very cunning, it's going to try making me belive a all bunch of stories in order to distract me and prevent me from seeing the truth.

Hope it helps you guys... I personally decided to do a 30 minutes seated meditation every single day as a result of this one.

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3 hours ago, Ken Lecoq said:

Well, to conclude, I would say that the ego is as sly as a fox, very cunning, it's going to try making me belive a all bunch of stories in order to distract me and prevent me from seeing the truth.

Hehehe.... This distinction you're making between "me" and "ego" is just more ego! The sly fox is calling itself a sly fox!

And btw, Do Nothing does NOT mean that you let go of thoughts. Letting go of thoughts is NOT Do Nothing, it's a whole hell of a lot of doing!

Do Nothing means you sit there and do not manipulate experience. Don't even try to manipulate yourself into non-manipulation.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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