
Raising your consciousness

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When you get enlightened and you are on your life purpose what else you can do to raise your consciousness(grow)Leo once told me enlightement is just a beginning of true growth....

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Pick any topic of human endeavor, and you can become much more conscious of it. For example: politics, mathematics, science, language, nutrition, ecology, business, finances, animals, government, design, architecture, agriculture, history, culture, religion, dating, family, education, etc, etc.

You could design and build your own conscious house, for example. Probably a good idea for a conscious person to live in a conscious dwelling.

You could even design your own conscious city! I once had a coaching client who's dream was to build an underwater city.

There is no end to it. It's infinite!

When it comes to consciousness of your own mind, there will still be plenty to become conscious of there. Emotions are so tricky, it will take you 40 years of practice to become fully conscious of them.

And then there is the realm of spiritual powers like astral projection and paranormal stuff, which is a very deep rabbit hole.

Sadhguru built and consecrated his own temple! It nearly killed him.

So there is much to do!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I once had a coaching client who's dream was to build an underwater city.


Someone played too much bioshock I feel but I hope it works out and we get to see it in his lifetime :D

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@Leo Gura So my job is to grow in wisdom in another words...

36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Sadhguru built and consecrated his own temple! It nearly killed him.


You mean real temple ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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How does one know if consciousness is raised? This kinda sounds like a form of measure is being applied psychologically.

And how is “consciousness raised” when measure is not watched deliberately? Be careful with that measure man.. it’ll get ya ??‍♂️Lol

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You are always doing something, think about it.  All of us are hard workers at doing whatever it is that we’re doing.  The only thing Enlightenment does is remove all your garbage ideas that are inclining you to do things that are not honoring your authentic values and strengths.  So, once you clean that garbage out of your head, and once you start to develop a taste for simply looking at reality, your actions will auto-correct on their own.  It’s important that you understand — you are not doing anything!  All you’re doing is becoming more aware of reality.  That’s it.   

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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45 minutes ago, Faceless said:

How does one know if consciousness is raised? This kinda sounds like a form of measure is being applied psychologically.

And how is “consciousness raised” when measure is not watched deliberately? Be careful with that measure man.. it’ll get ya ??‍♂️Lol

The clearest way to get a feel for what raising of consciousness is like, is by taking a psychedelic. Within 30 minutes you experience your consciousness raised to ungodly levels. It's quite astouding. You'll struggle to believe it even as it is happening to you.

You can literally become conscious of how existence came into being and why it exists, for example.

A more conventional way to feel a rise in consciousness is to compare yourself when you're foggy or horny or sleepy versus when you're sober and clear-minded. It's a pretty big difference.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Pick any topic of human endeavor, and you can become much more conscious of it. For example: politics, mathematics, science, language, nutrition, ecology, business, finances, animals, government, design, architecture, agriculture, history, culture, religion, dating, family, education, etc, etc.

You could design and build your own conscious house, for example. Probably a good idea for a conscious person to live in a conscious dwelling.

You could even design your own conscious city! I once had a coaching client who's dream was to build an underwater city.

There is no end to it. It's infinite!

When it comes to consciousness of your own mind, there will still be plenty to become conscious of there. Emotions are so tricky, it will take you 40 years of practice to become fully conscious of them.

And then there is the realm of spiritual powers like astral projection and paranormal stuff, which is a very deep rabbit hole.

Sadhguru built and consecrated his own temple! It nearly killed him.

So there is much to do!

Leo I always wondered how and why are you so sure about sadhgurus experiences? Is not that a belief? Did you see him doing all these?

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I'm not sure about anything. I am just sharing ideas which my intuitions tells me have some value.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I'm not sure about anything. I am just sharing ideas which my intuitions tells me have some value.

I know that you were very logically oriented person in the past. What is your current conscious view about logic vs intuition. Do you see them as equally valuable in your discoveries or do you scew towards one more?

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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

When you get enlightened and you are on your life purpose what else you can do to raise your consciousness(grow)Leo once told me enlightement is just a beginning of true growth....

if you were enlightened you would know the answer to the question already

so we can say you are not enlightened and therefor this question is for another time

not trying to mean, just logical

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16 minutes ago, blazed said:

So do drugs and solve all of life and consciousness?

I'm interested in knowing at what point would you consider drugs as traps, distractions, clutch, and escapism?

Is it possible to mess up your expectations in pure being in sobriety, by taking psychadelic experiences?

Of course drugs don't solve life's problems. Drugs can elevate your consciousness and show you that all problems are illusions of the mind.

Yes, like any powrful tool, drugs can be easily abused in the wrong hands.

Most people horribly misuse psychedelics. Just like most people horribly misuse spirituality.

It's always possible to delude yourself, with or without psychedelics.

For me, personally, psychedelics have been the #1 tool for growth. Nothing else even comes close. But that's just me. I can't speak about how you might misuse them. The way I do psychedelics is very carefully and thoughtfully.

15 minutes ago, egoless said:

I know that you were very logically oriented person in the past. What is your current conscious view about logic vs intuition. Do you see them as equally valuable in your discoveries or do you scew towards one more?

No, actually I was always a highly intuitive person. I have always denounced logic as self-contradictory, circular, and delusional.

Whatever wisdom I possess comes from my mind's intuitive connection to infinite intelligence.

Logic is a tool of the devil.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

Altough I don’t personal permote psychedelics I think I can see why one would get such an experience. That space between the self and everything might seem to cease, therefore having an experience of oneness, but I can’t say for sure what those drugs do..Never the less I’m not an experience seeker. To me the true beauty of living is only “captured” when there is no experience at all. To me when I am not beauty is. 

I’m not sure about psychedelics, but a headless state seems to come quite easily without. 


But I appreciate your reply Leo ??

Edited by Faceless

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But It seems quite clear, when there is an experiencer measure inevitable.

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16 minutes ago, blazed said:

I understand, do you think you think you could enter the same state without the drugs or do you think a psychedelic trip will always be a causation of the substance entering the body.

Most of the guru's / spiritual people I follow do not really say much about psychedelics or give much importance to it, saying it's just a temporary state.

As a side note adyashanti in an interview recommends that you don't meditate for more than 40 minutes because you're more likely to enter a blissfulness state which is not what we are looking for when seeking enlightenment, do you think think the blissfulness state is similar to a psychedelic state?

Yes, you can enter all these states, and have all these insights without taking psychedelics. The question isn't whether you can, but whether you will?

Mystical states are a separate thing from insight and Truth.

Just like all spiritual practices, psychedelics offer both peak state experiences AND insight and Truth.

You can use psychedelics to enter a blissful state, just like you can use meditation to enter a blissful state. But you can also use them for growth and accessing Absolute Truth.

Most gurus don't talk about psychedelics because they haven't done much of them themselves, they are difficult to source, they are illegal in many places, they are a relatively new technology, gurus have a dogma against it, and psychedelics put the gurus out of business.

Once you find the right combination of psychedelics, you will never need another guru again. You will learn more from one trip than you did in 5 years of listening to the most advanced gurus.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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