
Write Something That Is True... Spiritual Autolysis Challenge

81 posts in this topic

Truth is subject to change. Truth is deniable, Truth is hope and wishful thinking. Truth is twisted and manipulated. Truth is trumped as soon as it is identified. 

Truth gives itself a bad name and should be reconsidered as a marking point, not a fact because there is always something "truer". ...And at point, truth is the end!





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1 hour ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

This is where I'm not quite open enough to see things clearly. I have recently started thinking in terms of 'if it doesn't happen in the present moment, it's only the content of a thought.' In a sense, this opens me up to my present experience and I can sense the content of my perceptions very clearly now. But I'm starting to make it a rule, and I don't think that's going to be fruitful.

So, what was true before I was born? Based on my "rule," nothing of course. But how can I experience the truth if I have to look for it in the content of my thoughts? Do you have any other leading questions? Or do you recommend I use it sort of like a Zen Koan and just sit on it until an insight comes?

Throw all your rules out the window because they are wrong by the very fact that they are rules.

Absolute Truth exists, and it is that which existed FOREVER -- before your body/mind were born, right now, and after your body/mind will die.

What would be the point of enlightenment if it didn't transcend all that crap?

How could one escape fear of death unless there was an change-less, eternal absolute that one could anchor one's identity in?

All your experiences are real, but they are dreams relative to Absolute Truth.

So seek the Absolute. It's right there in the midst of all your experiences! It's right there as your body/mind reads this sentence. Nothing is hidden.

But you may want to focus more on the Who am I? and What a I? questions first. This Absolute Truth stuff is extremely advanced. Get some preliminary enlightenments first.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Truth is like one of those soap bubbles. As soon as you try to grasp it, it's gone. 

Look at one those "catch phrases":

WE ARE ALL ONE... lol - it makes me laugh!!! It's been so used and abused and mostly, one could feel that the energy behind it is all wrong... even if the truth one can think is behind it, is there.

Already "we are" sounds scratchy. In human language, WE refers to more than one. No such thing. Do you see more than a cloud when there's a cloud? 

ARE.. also this seems finite. ARE versus are not/this will cease to be. FALSE.

ALL it the most dissonant. ALL throws into despair. Keeps into "you" that is separate from "another".

And than there's this ONE that mind can f*ck with you forever lol. People mistake those experiences of them merging with a tree for enlightenment... :( It still is experiencing. It is still mind playing with you.. :( How can "I" be one with a tree? People lose years, lifetimes even clinging to this one. 

So :D

There is no WE

There is no ARE

There is not ALL 

and There is no ONE

None of that stuff is real. 





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There is a saying that says something like this: "The world is Illusion. Brahman (the Absolute) alone is real. The world is Brahman". (Shankara)

It's best not to get identified with byproducts of "Enlightenment" or the tastes of it. And also not get identified with certain viewpoints of Reality, be it "the whitness", "the absolute", "emptiness" or something like that. These are common traps as every genuine teacher will tell. It has to go full circle as shown in the quote or in Zen in the pictures with the ox.

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Don't forget to love yourself... wanting enlightenment can make you forget..

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Throw all your rules out the window because they are wrong by the very fact that they are rules.

Absolute Truth exists, and it is that which existed FOREVER -- before your body/mind were born, right now, and after your body/mind will die.

What would be the point of enlightenment if it didn't transcend all that crap?

How could one escape fear of death unless there was an change-less, eternal absolute that one could anchor one's identity in?

All your experiences are real, but they are dreams relative to Absolute Truth.

So seek the Absolute. It's right there in the midst of all your experiences! It's right there as your body/mind reads this sentence. Nothing is hidden.

But you may want to focus more on the Who am I? and What a I? questions first. This Absolute Truth stuff is extremely advanced. Get some preliminary enlightenments first.

I will do that. Thank you. :) 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 hour ago, Sigma said:

Q: "Is thought an action?"

Good one. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Emerald Wilkins I think that this kind of inquiry is designed to lead you to an experiential point from where you can't go any further. You always end up realizing that such and such thing just IS, you can't do anything about it. So eventually you end up being aware of it and accepting this facet of the reality. Its really amazing where it leaves you in the end. Thanks for sharing !:)

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@Pinocchio  Doing a little bit of a spring clean in your spare time ? 




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Something just came: 

There's a point in the searching where beingness seems stuck, and "I wonder" if it is not the inner trauma that keeps that gate closed. If you "think" about it, this inner questioning needs to get through the solidity of how you have become through programming, trauma, drama, societal woowoo, etc. 

What just came to me is that the "virgin birth" of Jesus, was a way of actually saying that He has not been "imprinted" with human s*it. So it might just be that we are like Helium balloons rising up to a point where we need to discard the trauma (childhood mostly) that is keeping us from breaking through. I have personally done that for the last year or so, and at the end of it - NO-Self revealed itself in all its power, splendor and glory as always being THAT. 

The implications of this, could be HUGE, as the stuckness would be your signal that there's a trauma there needing to be released, instead of questioning further (with the risk of getting either frustrated or lost in mind). This could also mean that there doesn't need to be  an "EITHER/OR" between self-development work and enlightenment work, but a dance, a sort of a roundness to it... (like yin&yang thingie)

*very very difficult to express things in the "right" way... pfftttt

Edited by Ayla
added insights



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39 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

Maybe it's even less than that...

Is there really an object in awareness?

How exactly would that work?

How many objects are there in awareness?

Does it change?


Colors and sounds as a things in themselves, as opposed to a perception of something else, is a big step in the right direction. But maybe it's not the last one...

And now consider the same possibility... but about thoughts, instead of colors or sounds... Is there really a thought there, as a thing in itself?


So those are some suggestions for autolysis.


Also don't forget that autolysis is not only for getting those kinds of insights about reality, but also for getting to deep seated emotional anchors to the dreamstate. Byron Katie and Teal Swan are essentially examples of just that.

Furthermore in many cases it's not so much about the words you're writing down and the conclusions you reach with them, but also about what you see about yourself as reflected in the things that you write. That's how I've used this forum (and many others) as a form of autolysis. That's why I'm making an ass of myself spewing bullshit. That's my bullshit, and I want to get a good look at it, and dump it (sorry Leo, just shitting in your backyard here, bring some candles and a ventilator).

Ultimately it's those emotional anchors that prevent awakening. They are the constricting and distorting lens of perception that prevent recognition of its own true nature. Those other insights ARE very valuable, but mostly for how they undermine your entire framework. Which is being held in place by emotional anchors. The mental and the emotional components are two sides of the same coin, so to speak.

So all insights on the way also get left behind sooner or later, because they become new frameworks. In that sense they are mostly just for leverage in the real work. Which is extremely valuable - this is the "thorn removing a thorn" thing. But not the thing itself. You will gain insights your entire life, before and after enlightenment, and no amount of insights accumulates to enlightenment. Neti Neti, Via Negativa, the path is about backing away from untruth.

Hence Jed McKenna's "Further".


P.S. It's wonderful to watch you gaining steam. I'm sounding like an arrogant dick again, but... you go girl!


Thank you. My interactions on here have really given me fresh eyes through which to view things. Before I was just stuck in traps that I didn't even know I was stuck in. But I'm sure there are still plenty of traps that I'm stuck in that I'm still unconscious of. But you definitely don't sound like an arrogant dick. ;) 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Similarly, you cannot take one hand with you when you "die" ... "wound" must be completely discarded.

Hmmmm :) 




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@Pinocchio Thanks, I will. It's only that this here now (lol) has a bigger source of insights for the moment - THAT ! :) 



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@Pinocchio What do you think about the physical death association with the emotional wound? 

This here is buzzing with insights... just wish I could know how the heck to describe it with f*cking words DAMN



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3 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

It may or may not be for you, I just figured I'd throw it out here for whomever might get some use out of it.

Must also add that watching her do her thing may not be all that helpful, actually. Or maybe only to an extent. Because her approach is all about that one-on-one engagement. At least, that's what I got from watching some of her stuff. I never watched much of it because of exactly this reason.

Will look once this stills, thanks :) 



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13 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

So, I am looking for ideas to deconstruct in Spiritual Autolysis. So, my challenge for this is to try to write something that is true. Here is an example of something that I think is true that needs to be deconstructed.

You maybe wanna look into the nature of space. Your starting point could be something like "Space is the potential room that gives forms the ability to be born, exist and then die."

That is really general and abstract. You can go very deep on several components of this statement. I personally find space extremely interesting and I often try to get a sense of it in meditation. What is space really? And then, if space exists there must be the other side of space. The opposite, because everything seems to come two-sided.

So, what is non-space? What is non-existence and how could you possible wrap your head around something that by nature is not something. Is space a form itself or is it the place that allows forms to be? Is space 3-dimensional or does it even go higher in dimensions? Have you ever thought about that?

I think that space itself, the relationship between existence and nothingness, is the starting point of all spirituality. How I see it, this is the point that allows spirituality to even be a possibility. Very interesting stuff.

Is our world - how we can sense it - just a little tiny bit of an never ending fractal of possible realities all existing simultaneously and at the same "place"?

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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9 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

If you don't see yourself failing anymore, you're stuck :P guaranteed (and THAT TOO is the path!)

Thank you. :) This is very encouraging.


13 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

Well, I am :D

I am too but it's a secret... j/k it's totally not a secret. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 minute ago, Pinocchio said:

To paraphrase Bob Cergol, the psychological machinery automatically deflects anything that subtracts from the sense of self, and focuses on anything that adds to it. Affliction to the sense of self, in his words, opens up a direct channel to your source in a timeless instant. And that IS death, to the ego-centric position.

And it seems to me that emotional trauma is nothing more and nothing less than affliction to the sense of self. That's why the road to no-self passes through those afflictions, those were all the deflected, unprocessed experiences. Those need to be entered and processed to completion, and only then do they vanish and cease to be an emotional anchor to the dreamstate.

So this basically could be the key to eternal (physical) life also? For example if people would imprint their children less and less up to "virgin" conception... and teach them a sort of a dance of growth>>clear>>inquiry ... 




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