
Jobs for introverts??

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What do you think are the best suitable jobs for introverts??
 What if there is conflict in one personality like someone's job require him to be an extrovert and he is an introvert?

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@Jhonny are you actually an introvert, or are you just shy?


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum.  I don't like to speak much, I will be standing in a corner in public gathering. i will often say good morning in such a low voice that only i hear,i think. Prefer noding my head instead as Hi.

Edited by Jhonny

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You're not an introvert. Or at the very least, this personality that you currently think is you is not who you really are.

Can you remember any brief moments where maybe you were more extroverted? What did they look like and feel like?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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I am only extroverted with my(only 5) friends. Other than that i always go back into myself.


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@Jhonny There is a misconception about introverts that then becomes a limiting belief.

Introverts are very much capable of being very social and even in the center of attention and actually enjoy it, but the thing is, they just need alone time to recharge, time which you would probably have given most jobs. You can be a very good salesman or public speaker even if you are an introvert. Actually, some of the best public speakers are introverts.

Martin Luther King Jr. was an introvert and he was always in the center of attention, giving speeches and interacting a lot with other people.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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For me being an introvert mostly means avoiding negative influences from people. If I have to pretend then it's draining to be around people. Of course the pretending is up to me to a degree.

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You want a job that exposes you to lots of people in short bursts, then you can slowly get over the introversion (which is not necessarily an issue, it's only an issue if it bothers you)

Running away forever is another method but are you really asking us for running away advice?

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programmer, scientist, night watch, artist,... all lonely jobs, most of the time.

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I agree with Aurum and Dan Arnautu, don't limit yourself in the name of being an introvert. Sometimes its just self esteem issues (as it is in my case for instance) I am naturally an introvert as you might call it simply because I like being by myself more, but honestly I do not have a problem with socialising, its about the company and the environment I am in. I can't stand shallow and futile conversations, but if i have decent company I'm good. so don't limit yourself with the tag of being an introvert. People like Hitler and Gandhi were introverts too btw. 

But in case if you by any means want to keep yourself to yourself and keep your socialising minimal, I'd suggest psychotherapy or a writer or computer work or blogging, but i think finding work on the basis of your personality trait solely won't give you a strong and juicy enough passion cause you will be motivated by more like a limiting belief 

9 hours ago, Elisabeth said:

 night watch


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@Jhonny Ja. consider both @aurum and @Dan Arnautu replys. They are spot on.

I am an introvert myself, but, believe it or not, very socially gifted. I got a veery "extroverted" job/s.

I am very good at my job and I enjoy it. So no conflicts there. I kind of need to meet people in order to get mentally stimulated, but that is not how I recharge my battery.

So for introverts any job (but telephonsupport jobs) is possible, but would most likely lean towards something intellectual.


IT would probably be a good choise for somebody who would like to avoid people. There seems to be two main kinds of branches/paths there:

the artistic one


the somewhat autistic one.


Try and see what gives with your soul. :)






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