
Questions to all vegans

3 posts in this topic

How long have you been on a vegan diet? How does your diet look like? Did you get blood tests? What about all those micros, aminos etc.? Zinc, L-Carnitine, Creatine, Magnesium, Iron etc. .. What exactly do you supplement? How do you feel? How would you judge your mental and physical capabilities compared to the "old" days? How many meals would you have to eat on a regular day? Does it make staying slim/lean any harder? What about all those gainz!? Do you crave meat? How expensive is it ?

Personally I've been on a pescetarian diet for one year now. Only fish and organic eggs. No meat, dairy, wheat and processed foods. Feels great in every way and I don't crave any meat. I think and hope that this is one of the non 100% plant based diets that create the least amount of suffering for animals, seems to be a good compromise, but maybe I can push my comfort zone a little further.

I appreciate any inspiration!

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

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I have been on a health-conscious lifestyle for about 7-8 years now and most of it is plant-based with little to no animal products so i would like to chime in here as being one of my passions. Since decided to go human (a more accurate analogy) >.< i have felt better in the last 5-8 years than i have in my entire life growing up besides when i was a very young child full of energy.

My mind started to change and become sharper, my body started to feel lighter and more energy as if i am now fueling my body with a much more efficient fuel source and i felt clean and purer than ever before. My mental clarity became next level which lead to physical results as well and my body started to clear up, all skin conditions went away, all pains in my body I've had all my life went away, everything basically healed to a point where i felt so on point and pain/drain free that within 6-12 months my whole life had changed for the better.

I never took any blood tests because as this was happening i connected deep with spirituality and grew to understand the laws of nature and the universe as also doing multiple fasts which taught me how to communicate with my body and cells and gain this hyper-awareness within my body and what it needs and how it feels so i never really cared about wanting to do tests because i felt absolutely amazing and common sense told me that is all i needed to know.

I consumed a lot of whole foods and "superfoods" which are basically all in one vitamin/mineral rich sources so i never really focused on (singled-out) supplements although i did introduce some and some herbs as growth expanded and experimented and explored around for a few years out of curiosity.

Many say B-12, is very important and D3, Magnesium and K2, Omega 3s maybe even Iodine but most can be sourced from diet even B-12 because it comes from the soil and i ate a lot of organic vegetables and didn't mind a little B-12 loaded dirt from time to time although some superfoods like spirulina/chlorella, aloe vera, moringa, had natural B-12 in them and i used them here and there although there were times when i didn't for several months and i still felt great so i realized B-12 circulates in the body extremely well and all these (Protein, Iron, B-12 warnings are more over-exaggerated terms to keep people in fear and rely on supplements.

I don't really eat meals as in set on stone i just listen to my body when hungry eat when thirsty drink. I have tried almost every diet and method of health-conscious lifestyle approach and i have found the best is to listen to the bodies intelligence over anything else and you will always thrive.

What i ate was mostly whole food plant-based fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts/seeds, beans, legumes, gluten-free or alkaline grains, seaweeds, fungi and raw honey. I did eat the occasional free range farm fresh eggs from time to time and a bit of fermented raw goats cheese or natural greek yogurt as these things didn't seem to effect me as much as the other animal foods although nowadays i am leading back to more high-fruit raw-plants only because that is where i felt the best and most alive personally.

You have to be careful with fish these days due to Fukushima, if you can source wild caught/fresh water fish is probably your safest option. You can get all your omegas from Algae/algae oil the original source of omegas fish get theirs from or hemp, chia, flaxseeds ect..

Hope this helps :)



Edited by pluto


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@plutoInteresting. Sounds great, thank you!

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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