
am i supposed to always let 'what feels right' control me?

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there is that thing that makes you want to do something in the present moment. the counterpart of it is the mind, which rationalizes and comes up something with reasons not to do a certain thing.

for example to initiate a conversation with someone. sometimes you kinda get the feel to talk, but then the mind comes and says "what will i get out of that" or "it will bother that person".

so my question is, since there is so much talk about the "higher self", are we supposed to be doing as the higher self feels 100% of the time? or should we balance it with our mind's judgement. that is i guess what is being pointed to with campbell's "follow your bliss". this is also what was pointed at by carl jung with his ego idea i think. he said i think that we should always listen to that higher self.

another question is how to distinguish that from deceitful thoughts, that are not your higher self, but just unconscious motivations of fear. or maybe its the samr thing, i dont know.

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Im not a fan of the term 'higher self' as it implies a self other than you. But ultimately, yes, I would say that whenever a feeling of love and excitement arises when focussing on a particular area of life, you follow that. The problem is, most of the time we follow these feelings and then at the halfway point, mind comes in and we turn around. That's why trust is such an important thing. Trust in what feels right for you. In other words. Trust your own authenticity.

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8 hours ago, Ilya said:

another question is how to distinguish that from deceitful thoughts, that are not your higher self, but just unconscious motivations of fear. or maybe its the samr thing, i dont know.

You will start to distinguish as your consciousness will grow. Your "higher self" will show itself as you approach yourself more. (paradoxically, I know)

One day, you will just know how to distinguish, you will know what to take into account and what not. Your intuition will awaken. I myself don't label it, I just feel it and get to choose: ignore it, or listen to it. This "intuition" is always right, you will just know it. We all have it, but we are just not sufficiently conscious of it, or just dismiss it everyday. This intuition is the one that either gives you a "miserable" feeling, or a feeling of harmony. And it is much more than that.

Like I said, I don't really label it. "Intuition" or "higher self", it doesn't really matter. What really matters is that you will "know" what is "right" and what is not. 

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This is a very good question and I can see that you are struggling with the Authentic-Self and how to honor that.  The answer is that you need to keep doing Enlightenment work so you don’t attach the Authentic-Self to Ego.  That was a trap I fell into as well.  So, you are making progress on this path it seems.  The thing you need to start to really get into is to contemplate — What is the Ego?  What is the Authentic-Self?  How do I empty my cup of beliefs so I can honor the Authentic-Self?

So, you’ve made a lot of progress, but you need to make some more inroads in Enlightenment to get the answer you are looking for.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I was where you were.  Look at this question I asked last year in July:

Look at this one!  This was like my very first question on the Forum.  I liked Emerald’s answer at the time.


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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There is a timeline to reactivity and the first step is always subconscious pattern recognition. Even if you feel like you are reasoning between alternatives the decision is not yours, another pattern is recognized and you apply the label of reasoning to that instinctive decision you make. What feels right to you is just subconscious maths - the likelihood for success is greater if i take this path - so you are not supposed to do anything. Your actions may be completely against another persons and they are just doing what they feel to be right.

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