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Attachments lead to suffering and i realize that we need to find the reasons why we attach ourselves to things but are we really sure that we attach ourselves ONLY to things? My theory is we attach ourselves its because it is our way of coping maybe we are conscious of this attachments? Such as our partners or unconscious of it that its an attachment such as porn, masturbation or maybe we are conscious of it but we deny it or we make excuses for it. For example are you really sure that its your genes that dictate why you cant lose weight? Or is it because you are attaching yourself to the fat inside the body? Its just hard to find the reason why? Im happy because i have learned a lot of things and i can already feel a sense of being in the NOW im still learning and working and if the best attachment is developing yourself i am really happy to cling to it....

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Us ourselves are a thing. The identity is a thing. So it's completely valid to be attached to it and it is the case.

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Action happens and then intention is an illusion that explains the actions. Your actions happen due to past experiences shaping your reality. In hindsight you are noticing these attachments. I bet that in a few months in hindsight you start to notice your actions have taken a more positive turn. Your discovery of your attachments will be as mysterious as the breaking free of these attachments. Maybe some big distraction will come up and you will fall off track but IMO your already on the way to dropping those attachments. Enlightenment chooses people is my belief, but I don't believe I had any say in the belief O.o

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You attach because thats how everyone lives misunderstood themselves with thoughts

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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