
Sugar substitute?

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I've recently cut out of my diet refined sugar and i'm trying out on me if there will manifest any benefit i usually read on various articles. Now i'm usually eating a lot of sweet organic fruits like bananas and apples. I dont miss cakes or sugary sneaks more than while i stop thinking about them, the only part of my day when i miss sugar (the brown one) is when i have coffee. . . How do you guys dealt with that if you tried this thing out? Did you notice any longterm benefit after a while? Im 1 week in this. . .

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Agave nectar/syrup.

Beside from fruits you can get used to no sugar (after 3 to 5 weeks) your concentration/focus will be boosted.

Edited by Soulbass

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Raw honey, Raw Maple Syrup, Coconut Palm Sugar, Mesquite Powder and Whole Leaf Stevia Powder(Zero calories) are some great alternatives. (Organic or Wild-crafted/Harvested is always best) Dates, Figs and other dried fruits are also good natural foods to snack on as long as there is no other additives.



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Stevia is an incredible replacement that produces nearly 0 insulin uptake. Xylethol is also a good choice.  

I would avoid things like Maple Syrup, Agave Syrup, Corn-Fructose syrup, that stuff is  90%+ sugar. Most important of all stay away from artificial sweeteners such as Saccharin, Sucralose, Aspartame etc..all neurotoxins and stay away from 0 Sugar drinks like Diet Coke. 

Raw fruit + some figs/dates is the best replacement you can get. Check out some of Dr. Greger's videos on fruit if you are worried about fruit sugar demonstrating that even 20 portions of fruit a day are not actually harmful. 

Stay strong!

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17 hours ago, Soulbass said:

Beside from fruits you can get used to no sugar (after 3 to 5 weeks) your concentration/focus will be boosted.

In fact the thing i noticed is that i did more cardio (running/bike) than i'm used to. . . And i dont get that burnout feeling when i finish (usually i craved for sugar after that) its a more natural feeling.

@Michael569  thanks for the advice. Ill treasure them (especially the aspartame thing lolz) :)

@pluto dates honey and figs will do just fine. Thank you

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I agree with Michael. In my experience, raw fruit is the best choice. Next is raw honey. Avoid maple syrup, agave syrup, and artificial sweeteners.

Also...If you're into baking, erythritol (the most popular brand is Swerve) is a good option.

Xylitol may cause disaster pants and digestive distress, so watch out...

Stevia is decent, but it has a strange aftertaste that takes some getting used to.

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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Whats wrong with organic maple syrup? Its known to be very healthy among health-conscious practitioners. I have done master-cleanse with it never felt anything negative? Made a lot of recipes its a great alternative.

This is the type for example i use https://www.amazon.com/Shady-Maple-Medium-Organic-Canadian/dp/B0170DDFNI/ref=sr_1_4_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1516059834&sr=8-4&keywords=organic+maple+syrup+canadian

Its extremely tasty!

Edited by pluto


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@pluto I always thought it was too high glycemic, but after doing a little research, I rescind my claim. Thanks for the catch! And yes, it is extremely tasty. I think I'm going to put some in my millet tomorrow...

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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I already survived 2weeks with just a tea spoon of honey i got from my father's friend who's a beekeeper . . . It's ok for the daily dose of sweetness . . Also i learned to have coffee without sugar, first with milk then just coffee.  .. thanks everyone 

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On 1/17/2018 at 0:30 PM, Leo-Tzu said:

I already survived 2weeks with just a tea spoon of honey i got from my father's friend who's a beekeeper . . . It's ok for the daily dose of sweetness . . Also i learned to have coffee without sugar, first with milk then just coffee.  .. thanks everyone 

Our pleasure :)


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i cut sugar and simple carbs out of my diet completely for a week. the first day of it I fasted for 16+ hours. let the system reset itself. makes a huge difference. 

no need to substitue sugar. the body doesn't need it. it is just energy, the body is more that prepared to create its own energy. there is nothing to sugar that the body can't do on its own, without sugar. but sugar affects the body in dramatic ways, and causes trouble... it is way more energy than the body even needs! the body has to do a lot of work to handle it. 

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I stopped eating sugar half a year ago and I don't miss it too much. It's another addiction our body craves - apparently it is bacteria and fungi that demand it the most and our bodies follow. I would have occasionally a piece of dark chocolate or once a year a piece of birthday cake but otherwise I'm free. If I really need to add something sweeter I would choose dates or a tiny bit of stevia. Honey (even if you are lucky and get the real thing - most of the honey contains corn syrup), agave and maple syrups are still sugars. I stopped even drinking fruit juices (unless really, really fresh and properly obtained - then I might still go for it).

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@YaMayka what have you noticed in this sugarfree time? I'm kinda 1 month free and i have less tired during the day. 

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@Leo-Tzu I'd say less brain fog (but I associate it with gluten free as well), better skin, cleaner teeth, I can go without food for long periods of time now (I do IF as well) - before I would get hangry ;)  - mad when my blood sugar dropped. I can taste subtle flavours in food, I can taste additives in food - I got more picky :) My migraines stop sometimes - before they would go on and on. I do eat quite some fruit though - some would consider it still sugars I guess.

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Good to see that more people are conscious about the effects of sugar in our diets. I'm quite convinced its causing most of the obese in the western world.

Since last summer I stopped with artificial sugars. Mostly because my body was really depend on the sugars.

I had over 6 eating moments during the day where i couldn't skip one. Before bedtime I had to eat quit a lot to sleep the whole night. Also last years I passed out a few times because of low blood sugar levels when I skipped meals. I was used to eat a lot of food, mostly with refined sugar, and drank coffee with sugar. 

Right now I barely eat sugar anymore. No cookies, sweets, honey, agave, sweet drinks and other forms of sugar anymore. Sometimes pure chocolate and I eat a lot of nuts and fruits. No more passing out, less dependent of the meals, more taste in natural foods, veggies are nicer to eat, no more waking in the night, more focus during the day are for me the most notable effects. Extracted Stevia (100 times as sweet as sugar)  is and was helping me a lot during the first months. 

I became less dependent on the meals but I have still 6 eating moments during the day. Im wondering if fasting for 1 day will do my body good?




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@Maverie i'm eating a lot of fresh fruits and honey now. . . I dont miss the sweetness and i got used to sugarfree coffee ... I enjoy it more. You look more expert into this. . . I can assure that fasting for 1 week for example makes you more energetic (not tried in person tho). I had some muslim guys at the gym who stop coming during ramadan and when they came back they were smaller but were able to lift more. In 4 months they become bigger then before but dunno if this is a faster progression bcuz of fasting or just normal gym routine 

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sorry, but i can absolutely not recommened agave nectar, like some people recommended. it is worse than white sugar. due to its composition and ratio of fructose to glucose etc. its just a kind of hyped more expensive product.

the best sugar alternative in my opinion is xylitol !! it has antibacterial properties so it is very good for dental health (as opposed to normal sugar) you can actually use it for toothbrushing. and it also has some anticancer benefits. also it is a substance that is known to the body since the body produces it in small quantities. the downside is that it can act as a laxative if you eat a huge portion without introducing it to your diet step by step.

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