
Embrace dreaminess and fantasies or grow up?

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If I'm dreamy idealistic adventure fantasising save the world kinda dude

but it never really helped me in life, and I don't think that if I live in dream paradise I'll not think about even bigger never ending dreams

Should I embrace it and try to fulfil dreams regardless of how unrealistic they are? So my journey would seem adventurous even that goals won't be fulfilled? Sort of die trying without any achievement

or should I grow up and learn to accept magic of small and mundane things and realistic goals? Which in turn can lead to achievement and climbing to top of small mountain but at least I'll be happy from sense of fulfilment 

for instance if I wanna be moviemaker, should I accept doing small films, be assistant at small projects and just try to make most of it or should I start doing small films but seriously aim and strive towards making world class, Hollywood etc etc?

i know that you can grow and your appetites will grow but should you aim too high from beginning? Coz if you do your plans won't include being happy from small and learn bit by bit but rather try to be best of the best from beginning and invest enourmous energy which in turn might play a bad trick with ya by obsession, perfectionism and never being fulfilled (what many big artists have)

you might be forever dissatisfied of doing small things if you aim too high

so would you climb to the top of the Everest and never do it but at least you tried or you stop trying when you're old and went back to the bottom

or should you climb to top of small mountain and actually do it

i wonder which strategy is the best to be truly happy for dreamy ppl

actually achieving and reconcile ambitions with realistic staff

or never achieving but having big ambitions

how important is achievement of goals in the end of the life? Will it bother you if you never achieved anything but had great ambitious journey?

You might also have bad ambitious journey and be bothered from not being happy from doing small things and never settling up and sort of finding, stabilising and grounding yourself

coz what if you suffer from being loser with big goals or if you suffer from being winner of mundane life?

Edited by Monkey-man

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