
I Want To Study Everything

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Hi, i'm a 17 years old guy from Italy... And yeah, you read right. I have this objective for my life. I want to learn the 99% of the things my brain can understand, study and memorize. I'm NOT saying i want to study really everything, i mean, it's impossible to study every freakin' word of every single topic of every single thing of the world, but i want to try to learn all i can. The problems are:


  1. I'm scared of my sanity. I've read some stuff about people who literally gone crazy trying to study all. I don't want that. What should i be aware and what should i avoid?
  2. I'm scared of wasting my time. What if i'll never learn in a good way? I mean, what if a day i'll forget all i've learned or kind of?
  3. Time... I want to learn at least all the basics things of all i can before i get older, i mean, i want to learn all as fast as i can but efficiently as possible. Is it possible? IF yes, how?!


That said, please don't criticize, insult me, or think i'm mad or stupid or other things like that, i just asked.

I would love to know what Leo thinks about that, maybe this will be something that will inspire some of his videos...


Sorry for my bad english, still learning...

Edited by Dominick_Nec

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You seem insecure and full of doubts. Try to get rid of those, they are never good in life. No need to have those fears, also no need to say sorry for your bad english...which is actually quite good. Don't be afraid if people insult you and don't give a fuck about oppinions of others. No matter what anyone says, you are still amazing and always will be.

I think your goal is amazing and I say just do it! But what you must keep in mind:

  • You must take action too, not only learning. All the knowledge you get, you apply for amazing results.
  • You must know that you will never know everything and you can never learn everything. Never. Be at peace with this. You can still study a lot.
  • Don't get fanatic and obsessed. Take breaks and do something else once in a while. Have a life besides studying also, this is important. Goes hand in hand with the first point.
  • Even tho you want to study as much as possible, you probably want to specialize on one to three things to master them. So choose the field you really wanna study hard because some fields are very deep and you will never understand them unless you commit fully.
  • You must learn how to learn. All the techniques, fast read, fast learn, systems, whatever it takes. Write everything down so you don't forget.


Maybe I will come back later and add a few things to my post, when I have thought more about this. Until then, don't let your dreams be dreams ;) Don't let anyone discourage you

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21 minutes ago, The Alchemist said:

You seem insecure and full of doubts. Try to get rid of those, they are never good in life. No need to have those fears, also no need to say sorry for your bad english...which is actually quite good. Don't be afraid if people insult you and don't give a fuck about oppinions of others. No matter what anyone says, you are still amazing and always will be.

I think your goal is amazing and I say just do it! But what you must keep in mind:

  • You must take action too, not only learning. All the knowledge you get, you apply for amazing results.
  • You must know that you will never know everything and you can never learn everything. Never. Be at peace with this. You can still study a lot.
  • Don't get fanatic and obsessed. Take breaks and do something else once in a while. Have a life besides studying also, this is important. Goes hand in hand with the first point.
  • Even tho you want to study as much as possible, you probably want to specialize on one to three things to master them. So choose the field you really wanna study hard because some fields are very deep and you will never understand them unless you commit fully.
  • You must learn how to learn. All the techniques, fast read, fast learn, systems, whatever it takes. Write everything down so you don't forget.


Maybe I will come back later and add a few things to my post, when I have thought more about this. Until then, don't let your dreams be dreams ;) Don't let anyone discourage you

Thank you so much for your answer. It helped me. As i said, i'm completely aware that i will never learn everything. I want to learn everything i CAN, i mean, what is possible to me. However, i forgot to say that i want to study mostly science things (Physics, chemistry, math, biology, psychology, IT, computer science, and so on) and art things (mostly music) and things like third eye, meditation, and, heh :P "self actualization"

Edited by Dominick_Nec

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When you are curious and you get into the domain of self actualization, you will find a lot of fears. Fears of getting insane can happen, but it won't. Just acknowledge that as just a thought and it won't happen.

You should read something about the nature of the thoughts and ego. I can imagine you already did that, right?

The power of now by Ekhart Tolle is a good read to start.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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25 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

When you are curious and you get into the domain of self actualization, you will find a lot of fears. Fears of getting insane can happen, but it won't. Just acknowledge that as just a thought and it won't happen.

You should read something about the nature of the thoughts and ego. I can imagine you already did that, right?

The power of now by Ekhart Tolle is a good read to start.

Yeah, the only thing that stops me from reading things is religion tho. I hate 'em all so much. However, i was reading the truth contest book, and obviously Leo's videos...

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Follow your curiosity and don't worry about meeting and specific results. If you have any fear, just remember you (this is not an insult.I do this to myself.) are already stupid in the grand scheme of things because all of us are. There are no truly intelligent people; our brains just aren't very powerful. Don't take this as an insult-- let it free you. Remember, you don't exist anyway, so insecurity is pointless, as is fear of failure. If you want to learn, just learn and enjoy the process, let go of the outcomes-- they don't really matter.

Edited by Saitama

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5 hours ago, Saitama said:

Follow your curiosity and don't worry about meeting and specific results. If you have any fear, just remember you (this is not an insult.I do this to myself.) are already stupid in the grand scheme of things because all of us are. There are no truly intelligent people; our brains just aren't very powerful. Don't take this as an insult-- let it free you. Remember, you don't exist anyway, so insecurity is pointless, as is fear of failure. If you want to learn, just learn and enjoy the process, let go of the outcomes-- they don't really matter.

I disagree. Our brains are very powerful. 

We've built civilizations, cultivated agriculture, used our imaginations to create amazing things (airplanes, cars, phones, etc. 

i disagree with "you don't exist" as well. That sounds like some wacky stuff. I don't intend to offend anyone's beliefs. 

To the OP, learn about the subjects of health, wealth, love, and happiness. But take extreme action and apply your knowledge. Master these subjects and you will be extraordinary; not mediocre/average. 

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@Argue  That's fine; it's a matter of perspective. I find more comfort in knowing that I am always going to be stupid compared to the total omniscience I would like to achieve, that way I don't have to fret about meeting my unrealistic ideals and am free to just try my best anyway and have a good time learning and studying.

Other people may prefer to think of it in terms of how much we have achieved and prefer self-aggrandizement to self-belittlement. I was just sharing what perspective worked for me. 

Edited by Saitama

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10 hours ago, TruthSeeker said:

"A jack of all trades is a master of nothing"


Yeah, lot of people told me this bullshit and i reply to this in the same way: "Studying all i can at the best i can, will never make me this "jack of all trades bla bla bla". I love what i study, i love studying, and i have fun doing it, so i don't see any jack over here, lol. "


11 hours ago, Saitama said:

@Argue  That's fine; it's a matter of perspective. I find more comfort in knowing that I am always going to be stupid compared to the total omniscience I would like to achieve, that way I don't have to fret about meeting my unrealistic ideals and am free to just try my best anyway and have a good time learning and studying.

Other people may prefer to think of it in terms of how much we have achieved and prefer self-aggrandizement to self-belittlement. I was just sharing what perspective worked for me. 

I watch myself as the most dumb guy in the universe if you want to know. I was (not properly "was" since i'm still a little bit ...) depressed for 4-5 years (i don't have no more self esteem...) I discovered Leo for that, i was trying to get rid of my depression since i don't know how to do a f****, i'm noob in everything i tried to do and sucked in these too... (I'm still noob in everything btw)



Edited by Dominick_Nec

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44 minutes ago, Dominick_Nec said:

Yeah, lot of people told me this bullshit and i reply to this in the same way: "Studying all i can at the best i can, will never make me this "jack of all trades bla bla bla". I love what i study, i love studying, and i have fun doing it, so i don't see any jack over here, lol. "


I watch myself as the most dumb guy in the universe if you want to know. I was (not properly "was" since i'm still a little bit ...) depressed for 4-5 years (i don't have no more self esteem...) I discovered Leo for that, i was trying to get rid of my depression since i don't know how to do a f****, i'm noob in everything i tried to do and sucked in these too... (I'm still noob in everything btw)



You lack confidence. You have tremendous limiting beliefs. I suggest focusing on mastering empowering beliefes. Search the subject and make it your mission to change your life from doubt to courage. 


We're noobs at one point in our life. You have to keep practicing and improving. Leo was a noob to self-development. But he got better and improved.

just like in call of duty, at first you're not good at the game but eventually you improve and get better. Take care friend. 

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17 hours ago, Dominick_Nec said:

Yeah, the only thing that stops me from reading things is religion tho. I hate 'em all so much. However, i was reading the truth contest book, and obviously Leo's videos...

@Dominick_Nec  The first step is to understand that there is nothing wrong with you , what you think is you is based on belief system . Try to make a list of all judgments that you make , personally it helped me a lot.  For that watch Leo's video on how to stop being judgemental. 

Don't be dogmatic , don't trust your beliefs , put them in doubt ,  like the idea you have about religion ,doubt every thing , be open minded.  I myself am coming from a background of really radical dogmatic beliefs  ( I am Albanian ) and all what I thought I knew  was just a result of what my parents like , how they  think , how the society I was born and lived was interacting and so on,  untill I left my country and had a cultural shock.  

Basically  all my beliefs flew out of the window , and that cultural shock made me doubt everything till the point I got into self development almost one year ago. 

If you like studying , good for you, but DO NOT be close minded . 

Take care and good luck 

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30 minutes ago, Donald said:

 but DO NOT be close minded . 

Thank you for replying... However, i'm not closed minded, i'm opened to all but religions. I now hate religions since they are just loss of time, it's just like believing that there's another me in another universe that can move the things just with the force of the power of thought. They imposed me to believe in something since the little ages, and they are doing it to all the people of the world. That's why i hate religions, i find'em stupid (in my opinion, no offence wanted)... However, i'll try my best to be more open minded.


P.S thanks to leo and other resources i finally understand the difference between spirituality and religions, i thought they was the same thing, lol... See how i'm dumb?

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1 minute ago, Dominick_Nec said:

Thank you for replying... However, i'm not closed minded, i'm opened to all but religions. I now hate religions since they are just loss of time .

Hope you find what you are looking for ?


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On 2/28/2016 at 3:45 PM, Dominick_Nec said:

See how i'm dumb?


I spy with my little eye a limiting believe.

It's gonna be hard to motivate yourself to learn and near impossible to trust in your own convictions if you believe this about yourself. 'Six Pillars of Self-Esteem' is your friend.

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Have you looked into Qm’s yet? .... Einstein & relativity.The double slit. Quantum eraser. Entanglement. Schrödinger’s cat. Superposition. Copenhagen / Many World’s, etc...? If I was 17 again, that’s what I’d learn about before psychedelics. It opens the mind nicely imo. 



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On 2/28/2016 at 4:45 PM, Dominick_Nec said:

However, i'm not closed minded, i'm opened to all but religions.

You're contradicting yourself. Being "open minded" only for the topics that make you feel good and fit comfortably into your existing world views, is not open mindedness at all, it is cowardice. If you were open minded enough to look into understanding what religion is truly about, you wouldn't hate it. You would be neutral. Wherever there is emotion around a topic, that is where you have the most to learn. I'm saying this as a former religion hater. And no, I didn't get sucked in ;)

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