By Juan Cruz Giusto
in Personal Development -- [Main],
“We must act out passion before we can feel it.” Jean-Paul Sartre
When times get hard and you don’t want to keep doing personal development, just remember your vision!
This journey is not just a piece of your life, it is your whole life.
Life is hard, no matter how you slice it! BUT THAT IS LIFE! But life is also magical. It can be extraordinary with the caveat that it will never be magical or extraordinary if all you do is play videogames, surf the internet, hang around with your friends and go working at McDonalds. YOU WILL ONLY GET FROM LIFE WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT.
It is all about what are you putting in! If you don’t see existence as magical and you feel grateful each time you wake up, you are not putting enough. You need to put your whole soul into your life. You must infuse your life with spirit, it won’t do it for you.
Our society is extremely low-consciousness – it aims at the most materialistic needs and wants. It is people living lives of quite desperation.
Society made us weak and now we are not willing to do the hard work necessary to have an awesome life. You are not in touch with life and survival, and that it is a constant struggle.
Human beings degrade from lack of challenge and lack of hard work.
When your life is on danger, you will not watch Netflix or take naps; you will be engaged and involved with life, you will be awake! That is a good thing about entrepreneurship because all relies in you. YOU NEED TO START PUTTING YOURSELF MORE IN THE DANGER LINE.
You are a lion that has been put in a cage. You created your own jail.
What needs to happen if you want to succeed in the journey of self-actualization, is that you need to put your life back into your own hands. You need to get back in touch with that element of survival – start your own business, you seize control back! START TO FEEL THAT YOU ARE NOT FUCKING AROUND WITH YOUR LIFE ANYMORE.
You should strive for a kind of life that challenge yourself, even if there is no direct need to challenge yourself. You should connect with your survival every single day.
The good life is a life where you are on your edge, pushing yourself and challenging yourself – it is hard. The easy life is not the good life, that is the mediocre life. ACCEPT THAT THE GOOD LIFE IS THE CHALLENGING LIFE.
Self-actualization is hard, it is not something that you do in a year, but it is a lifelong process.
KEEP REMINDING YOURSELF THAT THE GOOD LIFE IS WHERE CHALLENGE RESIDES. You will see your friends having a good time drinking beer and going out and you will be working your ass off, and you will tend to go back to that kind of life. But you need to remind yourself that you are working for something bigger, more meaningful.
Nothing good is possible without discipline.
You need to start to trust in the principles:
- Radical Open-mindedness: it will lead to good stuff, even though sometimes it may scare you.
- Exploring 100s of diverse perspectives will be extremely beneficial in the long run.
- Truth, Unconditional Love and Beauty
- Existential Investigation
- Consciousness and Awareness
- Life Purpose and Passion: Cultivate them every single day for years, something remarkable will come from that. Have the vision that something will happen in the long run. Don’t expect passion in the first years! THINK OF THIS IN THE LONG TERM! Build your passion from life!
- Vision! Sit on your couch, and visualize what you want from your life! IF YOU CAN’T IMAGINE IT, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET IT! This is real work! Without vision you will not get anything in life. Create emotional connection! If you cannot cry when visioning, you are doing it wrong. What is it in you that wants to connect to life and that brings tears into your eyes.
- Hard Work: You need to implement work ethic in your life. Commit to developing a work ethic. AND YOU DO IT BY FUCKING WORKING HARD.
- Extreme Ownership of Your Life
- Learning and Reading
- Mastery
- Spiral Dynamics: Trust that you are moving up in the stages.
1- Vision
2- Research
3- Work Hard
4- Consistency and Momentum. The biggest enemy you will find here is quitting.
“Spiritual people” will tell you to stop chasing because there is nothing to do. But that is bullshit! Every single day there is tons of things to do.
Make your life a Hero’s Journey. Take adventure and risk in your life! If you are not in an adventure, why the fuck are you alive for!?
Choose to challenge yourself deliberately! PRECISELY BECAUSE IT IS UNECESSARY.
What is your alternative if you don’t develop yourself? ACCEPT THE HERO’S JOURNEY!
You will feel:
- Alone
- Bored
- Misunderstood
- Hopeless
- Tired
- Depressed
- Confused
But you need to go on and push through it anyways. You use your vision to carry you through the toughest times. You want to be passionate and connected to life.
You may not have a clue how you will make this work, but you double down anyways because you trust in life and its principles.
Life is a pointless game, but you must play the g