Juan Cruz Giusto

All Criticism is Untenable Summary

2 posts in this topic

Untenable: A position or view not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.

The mind uses criticism as red hearings to avoid self-reflection. Criticism helps you deny responsibility for looking at the world holistically. It orients the mind outwardly by externalizing a personal problem.

Criticism is an unhappy way to be.

Judgment is a rejection of reality.

Things are the way they are because they must be that way – they cannot be otherwise. Everything is connected, and you cannot analyze events separately.

Terrorism, corruption, Trump, evil, business, everything you criticize is meant to be because of a whole system (which you are part in) that the thing is part on. We all help create all the evil things we see in the world.

You contribute to the thing you are criticizing. But criticism is not productive!

A conscious people can criticize but:

-          He will be pragmatic

-          He will be accepting and compassionate

-          He will do it moderately

-          He will not get disturbed by it

-          He will not avoid self-reflecting

-          He will not take it that seriously

-          He understands that it cannot be other way

-          He is productive while criticizing

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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You should feel genuinely bad to criticize because you emphasize with the person suffering, as well as not getting off on an ego trip of being right.

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