
spirituality, new age bs, and consciousness

111 posts in this topic


@Shroomdoctor A picture is worth a thousand words. I don’t think you could be seen as coming down on someone even if you tried. “Shroomdoctor” ta boot. ❤️ The ‘not down to earth ness” stands to liberate you from your ‘done To earth ness”. 

I meant your picture is about as innocent at faces get.              There’s no ‘down to earthness’. There’s creating your reality, for some, that’s “correcting” everyone on what reality is. No approach is any more valid than any other.  It all serves to jar your mind loose. To realize brains don’t exist. To liberate the creator in you. The “bigger picture”, channeling, aliens, the one love, freakin ghosts, etc, etc, etc - The bigger picture is infinite. There’s always a bigger picture. It’s the mind that “limits”. 



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11 minutes ago, AleksM said:


Then find the advice that resonates with you and ignore the rest. One message is not suited for everybody. What is valuable to someone, might not be valuable for you. Cultivate the art of knowing what to ignore.

That is what I have said before I am going to do :)

12 minutes ago, AleksM said:


The thread you mentioned was a joke.

There were multiple threads on that. I do not think they were all jokes. And where is the joke anyway, if it is legit?
Still, I do not want to argue about that. As I said before, you were right in the message that I should not criticize those post, but ignore them if they do not resonate with me. And you are also right that I felt "righteous" when writing this post, which is quite ego-on-fire.

  I would not post this topic again, if I could go a few hours back in time, but that is what growth is, right?

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@Shroomdoctor ime, taking what you want and leaving the rest is the result of doing the deeper “ego” work. It can leave you triggerless, and it feels like this....




Hell ya that’s what growth is. 



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6 minutes ago, Nahm said:

I meant your picture is about as innocent at faces get.  

Why am I feeling affronted by that? Boy, ego going all out today. Still I'll take that as something meant in a positive way. 

4 minutes ago, Nahm said:


No approach is any more valid than any other.  

At the moment, I do not agree with that.

Still, thank you for your reply. I think everything that needed to be said has been said now. :D

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This is exactly how average citizen thinks when someone claims that enlightenment is real

u r doing same mistake, it's just ego defense 

you cannot claim something is not real if you dont experience it for yourself

also all new age bs is getting proved by non bs science. Check out science and nonduality YouTube channel 

Edited by Monkey-man

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45 minutes ago, Soulbass said:

The analogy between hyena and manta ray is beautiful.

See ya bros

The stingray combines both haha.


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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We can always learn from one another. We can learn from what is correct and what is incorrect. One can learn a lot from that which is false. ??‍♂️

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@Joseph Maynor I really like the part about certainty and uncertainty and the fear of looking to woo-woo, Things I can see inside myself, that I should work on. I will take some time thinking about how open mindedness works and how I should react to worldviews I do not agree with and the way I gain knowledge and wisdom, because I can see that mostly I am still taking on beliefs from other people and have a hard time thinking things through myself without bias. A contemplation habit is on my to-do list and I hope that this might help. 

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It’s important to be able to distinguish between abstractions and facts. And also to know when oneself is being influenced by subjectivity. To see in ourselves when there is an emotional attatchment or when we are taking shelter in a bias which brings a sense of security. 

Never accetpt anything. Investigate objectively, then maybe one can discover what is correct or incorrect. 

Usualy that which is true is simple and clear anyway. 


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I definitely employ a woo-free spirituality approach but what can't be overlooked is the venue for the ideas. If someone is looking for the key to their inner peace a physics forum probably won't be appropriate, we probably won't find finances insight on the mechanics forum and we don't come here to find out why our car won't start. Have an understanding of the potential from the venue and what it will offer as insight.

This venue is for the exploration of consciousness work and some people are pragmatic minded while others are magical minded, some religious, others skeptical, the variations are infinite. It's really a matter of fine tuning our own 'useful' detector to discover what is of value to us and work with that. It's beneficial personally and for the community though if we don't form a judgement or attitude towards what isn't useful or doesn't work for us.

Oh...and there is scientific evidence of 'chakaras' but that doesn't mean every magical concept someone has about them is accurate.

Edited by SOUL

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Disclaimer: I am not enlightened--I am still searching. My ego/self is still fairly intact, so take all of this with a lump of (Pink Himalayan) salt. This is simply one perspective. 


I actually don't find a lot of value in many of the posts on this forum (nor most information I come across on the Internet or in the world) but a lot of that is related to where I'm at on my path and what I need at a given point in time. I find I need to 'cherry pick' quite a bit, and what I need and am able to take in changes over time. I also see it as my responsibility to deal with my ego and distractions, and find the truth that will help me. 

One way to think about this: The search for Truth/Realization/Liberation/Enlightenment is a lot like climbing a mountain--there are many paths to the top. Some are easy, some are hard; all are different, but have the same goal. Unfortunately, some paths involve more hazards than others, and you may have to deal with things like flying monkeys on the way. :) Also, some people have gotten lost along the way and are climbing a different mountain without really knowing it. It's no one's fault--the ego does not want us to reach the top.

There are many distractions, and it's also hard to know what information is of value. It sometimes feels like finding good information is like trying to download freeware on the Internet without getting a virus. :P Some people have reached the top of the mountain and are telling the real truth about how to get there, but it's still related to how they got there, not to every possible path (thus different teachings from different masters). Others are telling the truth as they know it but they are somehow deluded (either they are on a different mountain, have stopped taking their meds, have had a psychotic break, or whatever--consciousness is very strange). Some people seem to see opportunity in so many people searching and outright lie--to make money, have fun, or just to mess with people.

For what it's worth, from my perspective teachers such as Rupert Spira and Peter Ralston are 'no-bs' and full of wisdom. Thinking will not reveal the ultimate Truth--thought is limited and always biased. Direct experience will. Meditate, contemplate, self-inquire, have courage, and be 100% honest with yourself. And good luck...



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There is a distinct difference between new age theories and secrect, ancient spiritual knowledge and rituals that'll transform your experience drammatically and permentally. But this something you won't find much about on the internet. More research is required here.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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4 hours ago, Shroomdoctor said:

people laugh at me when I mention meditation and people want to put me into counseling when mentioning enlightenment. 

there's probably some irony or insight to be had here

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@Shroomdoctor I don't know that it is a matter of being "wrong", it's just doing something and learning from the experience, what's so "wrong" about that?

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You know how they say that consciousness as an object is something you have to experience for yourself?  The same goes for these experiences.  There are different dimensions and spiritual wildlife live in these other dimensions.  

You can happen upon them through the same spiritual route as enlightenment.  Thus why people are starting to speak up.

Keep your mind open about it.

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