
Know Thyself - Source Self

6 posts in this topic

This was initially a reply to another user about a certain topic on another post which lead to a wave of remembrance and expression so i decided i didn't want to hijack the other persons thread instead i decided to write it here because i feel this is important to share on a larger scale.

The conversation was about channeling and negative entities being able to enter our field, play with our consciousness and drag it back down or make us sick or further delude us in mindless loops ect.. Now anything is possible but having a higher understanding of who and what i truly am it is merely the belief system you have subscribed to and given permission slip to that allows the possibility to occur in the first place.

My response to this is below.

I guess it all depends on the level of consciousness and how much one is knowing and understanding of true source self. For example: Based on my experiences thus far I know myself to be literally the creator of everything in my existence including everyone and everything else that has, is or ever will be in my reality and it is the same vice versa for everyone and everything else it just requires a deepest level of surrender to this pure awareness.

From my understanding seeing things this way automatically by default keeps you at a significantly higher state of consciousness which many mistaken as an egoic or deluded/backfired (spiritual ego) trait but it is completely the opposite as there is really no ego to begin with, only source self, everything else is illusion.

Having this core understanding the only thing that can affect you is yourself and creations of self so by allowing limiting belief systems to interfere with source-self understanding/expression merely creates further illusion interference in our existence. It is okay to accept and be proud of realization of self as there are ultimately no rules, only experiences to be had.

This is why i also disagree with people when they think if you are enlightened you wouldn't claim or state you are to others because you most definitely can and have the option to do so but most choose not to do so although there is nothing wrong with being proud, grateful and purely honest with who, what you are and what you have come to realization to and i believe those that do are the bravest ones of all.

The closest thing to what happened to me in my awakening experiences that i have found over the years is this video. I believe i was 20 or 21 at the time.

Almost everything that had happened to me is very similar to how he explains it happened to him besides the 13 day blink as i would call it and the time frames he explains, i could not even tell or make any sense of time whatsoever. I couldn't tell if a million years or a second had past, nor i can even remember or comprehend the pure experience itself anymore but merely fragments of it and the only time i do gain clarity or glimpses to the experience itself is when Sadhguru explains it as it was so profound and out of this world i was surprised he was able to remember more in detail but i guess there are more awakenings for me to experience and i have slightly shifted off source-understanding because i am no sadhguru's as i know i am still young to the levels of being he expresses but the "knowingness" is the same as is for everyone. It just depends on how well they are disciplined to sustain it which i clearly wasn't or was i?

It blew me away almost as if i accessed something i wasn't ready for but all in all i accept, surrender and am highly grateful to all that is and that is what i truly try to help others understand and access and know within themselves but no matter where i am, i seem to be misunderstood when i let it all out completely like i have done here and is taken the wrong way by others which is why i hold back and have shut down quite significantly over the years unless i meet someone that has had the same level frequency experiences and when i do they always completely understand where others that have not simply do not.

I guess i need to stop playing the levels i have already mastered and make use of my wisdom elsewhere, maybe i have planted enough seeds over the years which to me only felt the purest thing to do is help others see the light within themselves. I never thought that even guiding others to light could lead to partial blindness. I guess i forgot about balance being key and i became too overwhelmed by shining light on others that i completely forgot about myself.

The worst thing you can do is shutdown a child's imagination coming alive, we live in a world where we are conditioned to do just that and that is why children forget their true powers and remembrance of source self until they have a re-awakening usually much later in adult life when one has most likely already suffered tremendously. Imagine if we allowed them to be as they are from the start? without judgement, without condition.

There is only you, always has been, always will be, the more you understand this, the more at home, at peace in unconditional love and divine freedom you will be and see. It is not egoic to know that you are the creator and you are the source neither is sharing it. There is no ego to begin when you know source is self.



Edited by pluto


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Oh no, did I scare you away? 

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Just now, Annetta said:

Oh no, did I scare you away? 

No you helped me express something very powerful i had locked away thank you <3


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Just now, Annetta said:

@pluto Ohthankgod lol ?

Hope i allowed you to see deeper and past those belief systems :P You are so much more!


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