Joseph Maynor

How Do We Know that the Future is Not Predetermined?

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Curious.  Leo makes this positive claim in the below video: The future is not predestined.

How do we know that?  


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Well maybe we could ask ourselves why we would conclude it was or wasn’t. What makes us come to one conclusion or another? In such a question sometimes our motive indicates an answer. 

Although, in a way the future is predetermined in the sense that we as humans are shaping the future with every action and inaction now. The future is fixed if various patterns are not broken. Patterns of suffering, insecurity, sorrow, violence, and so on. 

In a way the future is predetermined by what we do and don’t do now. 




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When you have satori you will understand that on the experiencial level... it’s more like there is no separate self so who has the free will. And you will also know that there is no Future at all..

Edited by egoless

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@Joseph Maynor we don't.

but then i think - if there's no way to go back and find out otherwise, then perhaps this is the only way it is.

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3 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

How Do We Know that the Future is Not Predetermined?

Because if it was, I wouldn't be so lousy at trading the markets.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but many Muslims believe in Predestination.  Thus, it's not a given that this belief is false.  Many smart people believe in Predestination.

Furthermore, any consideration of a future is a thought in the Now.  How can you be so certain about a thought about a thought?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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If a movment of thought is moving now, is there a now? 

Edited by Faceless

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Leo also takes the position that there is no free will. 

No free will either means that the future is predetermined or it means that the future is probabilistic (which means that luck/random factor is also included)  

For example it may be pre-determined that you will go play roulette or not, but not predetermined whether you will win or lose (because it uses RNG - although it's never a true randomness. But perhaps the universe has a true randomness factor as well.) 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Who has the free will?

what is the future?

what does infinity of possibilities imply?

contemplate these questions and answer on other one will come effortlessly ;) 

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If it is, then it is pointless to debate about it.

If it isn't, you're wasting time debating about it.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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