
Which Field to Study for Consciousness/Metaunderstanding

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Hello Actualized forum users, I was wondering if anyone would know of a field I could look into that would allow me to explore deeper and research the area of consciousness, metaphysics, the mind and other such things inside University. I know the best way to understand consciousness is through direct meditation, but since I am faced with the possibility to continue my academic career now after high school, I am trying to find a field which would be suitable for me to indirectly link my consciousness work to. Somewhere I could expand my knowledge inside scientific fields to help further push my investigations into consciousness, or where I could input my consciousness work to influence the field.

Right now I am looking into neuroscience and theoretical physics (or physics & psychology). If anyone is studying anything of the likes please do help me with recommendations on where to look :).

Thank you

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Mind, there is not necesarily much to find in these fields. But it interests me also.
Coincidentally I've been reading and watching various youtube channels on neuroscience and also theoretical physics.

Neuroscience is very interesting, it teaches us how our mind works, and this helps in understanding some of our behaviours and problems as individuals and as a whole. 
Theoretical physics is certainly very interesting, to see how matter at the low level interacts. But the math is very complex and a bit over my head, so i usually don't pay much attention to those parts.

One course on neurobiology is very illuminating, It is not so hard to grasp also, I highly recommend this to anyone on a spiritual journey.
Another course on theoretical physics is more complex :, It may be a bit much.

There are a lot more high level youtube video's on theoretical physics, that show the metaphysical implications in layman's terms. But as you want to actually go to university i posted a complex course. Susskind is very knowledgable, and i like listening to him.

This is more understandable also from Susskind.

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Philosophy gave me a great background for this work.

Yes, philosophy is king for critical thinking and examination of ideas.

This is a good 18hour course giving an overview of philosophy, albeit long. Im only 2 hours into it.

  • 01. Philosophy and the Modern Age 00:01
  • 02. Scholasticism and the Scientific Revolution 29:47
  • 03. The Rationalism and Dualism of Descartes 1:02:24
  • 04. Locke's Empiricism, Berkeley's Idealism 1:33:32
  • 05. Neo-Aristotelians—Spinoza and Leibniz 2:06:20
  • 06. The Enlightenment and Rousseau 2:39:30
  • 07. The Radical Skepticism of Hume 3:11:52
  • 08. Kant's Copernican Revolution 3:42:27
  • 09. Kant and the Religion of Reason 4:12:50
  • 10. The French Revolution and German Idealism 4:44:09
  • 11. Hegel—The Last Great System 5:15:01
  • 12. Hegel and the English Century 5:46:57
  • 13. The Economic Revolution and Its Critic—Marx 6:16:38
  • 14. Kierkegaard's Critique of Reason 6:47:36
  • 15. Nietzsche's Critique of Morality and Truth 7:19:32
  • 16. Freud, Weber, and the Mind of Modernity 7:52:03
  • 17. Rise of 20th-Century Philosophy—Pragmatism 8:24:07
  • 18. Rise of 20th-Century Philosophy—Analysis 8:55:09

  • 19. Rise of 20th Century Philosophy - Phenomenology  0:00:00
  • 20. Physics, Positivism, and Early Wittgenstein  0:32:16
  • 21. Emergence and Whitehead  1:03:00
  • 22. Dewey's American Naturalism  1:34:27
  • 23. Heidegger's Being and Time  2:06:31
  • 24. Existentialism and the Frankfurt School  2:37:54
  • 25. Heidegger's Turn against Humanism  3:07:52
  • 26. Culture, Hermeneutics, and Structuralism 3:39:03
  • 27. Wittgenstein's Turn to Ordinary Language  4:09:57
  • 28. Quine and the End of Positivism  4:41:02
  • 29. New Philosophies of Science  5:12:49
  • 30. Derrida's Deconstruction of Philosophy  5:43:55
  • 31. The Challenge of Postmodernism  6:15:42
  • 32. Rorty and the End of Philosophy  6:46:09
  • 33. Rediscovering the Premodern  7:18:08
  • 34. Pragmatic Realism - Reforming the Modern  7:49:59
  • 35. The Reemergence of Emergence  8:19:44
  • 36. Philosophy's Death Greatly Exaggerated  8:50:13

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15 hours ago, MarkusR said:

Somewhere I could expand my knowledge inside scientific fields to help further push my investigations into consciousness, or where I could input my consciousness work to influence the field.

@MarkusR Hi Markus. The metaunderstanding of consciousness is that everything is consciousness. And everything that appears within consciousness is illusion. If you would, really think about that statement for a moment. Look at your hand. What you are experiencing is consciousness creating the illusion of a hand (with the help of your mind).  So that being said, all knowledge is consciousness. Science is consciousness. University is consciousness. Investigations are consciousness. Location is consciousness. Time is consciousness. Body is consciousness. Practice is consciousness. Meditation is consciousness. Sense of presence is consciousness, ect. Do you see what I'm really saying? You can not- not apply consciousness to any field because everything is already consciousness. How could you apply consciousness to a field when it's already there and in fact created that very field. I mean, you can in an illusory way. But it wouldn't be a full meta-understanding of what consciousness really is.

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5 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@MarkusR  You can not- not apply consciousness to any field because everything is already consciousness. How could you apply consciousness to a field when it's already there and in fact created that very field. 

100% correct 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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Better yet -- double major in Philosophy and Psychology.  I knew a guy who did that when I was in college.  I always envied him for being able to do that.  

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