
The deep problem with marketing VS All Criticism Is Untenable

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It seems to me that those two videos conflict with each other. But... at the same time they don't - because they explain the different depths of understanding. While I understand what Leo wanted to say in both it seems like the marketing video is more surface based "problem". In reality there is no such thing as a problem at all. As the second video about criticism explains the more deep level of understanding. Of course that is what the true non-duality means. How can there be a problem when the only thing that exists is infinite one? Additionally, in the depth of understanding one recognizes his true nature while also understanding the fatality of reality. There is no choice on the surface level really... only infinite freedom of fundamental consciousness! So what's the solution really? Should we surrender to the reality exactly the way it is? Or should we face it as the enemy sometimes and wage wars against the "unconscious marketing"? What is your opinion on that guys? How can we synergize the surface level issues with the absolute understanding of oneness.



Edited by egoless

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@egoless Nice integration!  It’s another solid call for consciousness work in my opinion. The median population needs to flip a few paradigms so the marketing is seen differently, to see past the product, into the motivations behind it. I think this is happening, just really slowly.  Companies aim to make money. As people are buying from higher awareness, companies will trip over each other trying to make what people want next, even if it’s healthier and nontoxic. And at the same time, once we know we are it, we can simply be it, that path without the plight & strife. 




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@Nahm Here is where my contemplation led me to. Life is playing a game and develops itself like a little kid. It is playing with primitive "toys" at first then slowly moves to more complex and interesting ones. That could be compared to human evolution. Look at the history. We started in the stage beige and evolved up to stage orange/green/yellow. So what my current standpoint is that this is inevitable. Evolution can not be stopped. The humanity is moving up and up day by day. Everyone has his own place in the circle of life and the circle is always expanding. It is like infinity moving to infinity. There will be times when the humanity will evolve beyond stage turquoise. Of course these colors are just concepts and names but you understand my point.

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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@egoless Yeah. That’s a beautiful thing. 

Existence is so interesting damn it! I just realized it fully how interesting it is...

the “scenario” has truly no limits of how it could be developed. There is truly the infinity in creativity and creation. There are no boundries dude wtf

P.S. Turquoise just only seems like the beginning... and even not that

Edited by egoless

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The Mind is not gonna like this, but looking for consistency can be a trap.  You are trying to fit reality into nice, tidy boxes whereas reality is multi-faceted.  


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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4 hours ago, egoless said:

So what's the solution really? Should we surrender to the reality exactly the way it is? Or should we face it as the enemy sometimes and wage wars against the "unconscious marketing"?


The answer is in the "All Criticism Is Untenable" video. Watch it again and keep contemplating. 

Maybe we can be aware of the need for change without making an enemy out of what is ;)

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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