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LSD and access concentration

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Is it easier to reach access concentration while on LSD?

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Yes, and maybe?  It depends on your level of experience, but yea you can go even further than just access concentration.  

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@Whoami3 Access concentration?

That's like asking if it's easier to jump with a rocket strapped to your back.

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9 hours ago, Whoami3 said:

Is it easier to reach access concentration while on LSD?

No I don't think you're gonna get access concentration on LSD. It's a completely different experience. Cultivate it naturally through lots of concentration meditation.

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The first time I did 1P-LSD, I took 1/3 of a tab. After 7 hours, I smoked cannabis. that combination triggered in me an insane capacity for concentration that I never experienced before. Afterwards I did 1P-LSD with and without cannabis several times and with higher dosages, up to 1 tab and a half, but I never experienced that level of concentration ever again. I don't know if that was "access concentration", but it was a very high and unusual level of concentration.

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