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Career advice please !

3 posts in this topic

 Hi guys,

How did you decide upon what career you should embark upon ? I studied accounting however feel more compelled towards business consulting and general business roles. However, I just can't seem to make a concrete decision.

My issue is questions I ask myself such as "what if this job doesn't pay well long term"

"If I get qualified as an accountant, I could move into this job in the future"..

"What if I don't enjoy it as much as I think I will"..

How do I deal with this self doubt and confusion ? 


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11 hours ago, rush said:

How did you decide upon what career you should embark upon ?

Stumbling around in the dark, trying everything. Still doing that to a certain degree to be honest xD, I don't think the process ever ends when it comes to life purpose.

11 hours ago, rush said:

My issue is questions I ask myself such as "what if this job doesn't pay well long term"

"If I get qualified as an accountant, I could move into this job in the future"..

"What if I don't enjoy it as much as I think I will"..

You, me and everyone else. The mind loves the "what if" game.

11 hours ago, rush said:

How do I deal with this self doubt and confusion ? 

Some days you just push through on what seems like sheer will. Meditation and yoga helps a lot.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@rush Hello, i am also an accountant for several years now . But then i thought i should try part time other jobs that seem interesting because i felt that it was not my passion .

I liked concerts and writing so i became a concert reporter for the biggest rock site here, but then i tried it and did not was so good i thought it would be.

Then i decided to join a group of musicians and start playing my own music but also did not went well because it was fun, but i felt was not using my full potential. Then i decided that the self development passion i have, i can give that to other people and help them, so i participated in 8 month course and got certified life coach, then i started my site and first clients came in.. Till today i have my finance job but i also have the coaching business aside that i will try to build to be my main job in the years to come.

In my opinion you should have the standard accounting job that can provide you the resources and try part time whatever you are interested till you find the most suitable for you. 

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