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Passive work vs working right

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I think this might be interesting with an in depth video on :)

(the idea is inspired by cal newports books)

what i mean by passive work vs working right is for example with passive work if you are learning a specific thing it might mean you are sort of doing it maybe skimming what you are reading and maybe sometimes checking websites on the internet vs when working right you may be much more focused and thinking more deeply on what you are learning and more intensely and having no distractions 

i think it would be interesting if this kind of working could be used in personal development i imagine it may help get a lot of work done faster without losing quality of the work maybe even be able to do it with a higher quality(or better results) in a shorter amount of time

For other examples there have been a lot of research on this related to expertise and on learning how to learn that may be interesting

i have also read that some would get better results in work outs if they did it more intensely than people who did it less intense (but I imagine to some limits) and some might get better results with a good healthy diet could be an other example of working right :)

maybe a good example i have found in personal development could be when dealing with emotions to instead of resisting them, fully feel them with zero resistance 24/7  (credits goes to leo highly recommend watching hes video on how to deal with strong negative emotions)

Edited by BjarkeT

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