Jamie Universe

What is consciousness? / Definition of Consciousness

6 posts in this topic

Ok so I hear this word a lot on this forum. For a while I thought it was one thing, then it changed when I heard other stuff...

So I'm curious to know what your definitions of consciousness are. Or what context you would use consciousness in.

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@Jamie Universe It's just a word pointing nowhere to someone who has never had glimpse of one's true nature. 

If you are completely "new" I recommend you to start with neti neti method:


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Consciousness is everything.

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It’s an ambiguous word — it’s used to refer to many ideas.  But consciousness can mean keen-awareness.  This is awareness where you notice much more about reality than you did before.  You might also call this high-consciousness.  This happens when awareness is increased from work done on the path to Enlightenment.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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The thinking process is the conscious process, the hidden as well as the open. This whole thinking process is consciousness. 

There’s not your brain or my brain but just the brain. We all share conciousness. Not yours or mine just conciousness. You and I are a fragment manifested through conscious thought. 

Edited by Faceless

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Consciousness can be distorted. If you are very unlucky and injure your brain you may live your life in a state of lower consciousness - that is objectively bad to a human being. 

So don't get too obsessed with the everything is nothing, it doesn't matter if I die I am already in the eternal. Be more practical and try your best to always maintain the strongest, healthiest and longest lasting consciousness.  

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