
Beautiful Simple Explanation of Ego

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31 minutes ago, Outer said:

Beautiful Simple Explanation of the Ego:

No, this is an explanation of a Royal Ape.

Ps: Pointing fingers is an egoic action. See the root of that. We all have to look at our own soup when Ego is concerned. 

All you see of me is this profile. I am not identified with this profile, it is a tool. It is not my Ego.

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodo   I like that as an analogy for the Divine individuation into form, as a locus and focus of Awareness within formlessness, for the sake of relational experience. But I'm not sure that is what the egoic mindset is, which is rather the self-identification and belief that the ice cube, i.e. form, is somehow inherently other than water, i.e. formlessness -- because, as the Heart Sutra states, 'form is not other than emptiness, and emptiness is not other than form.'  Absent that belief and self-identification, it's just a Divine ice cube in Divine water, no more, no less. 'Why' the Divine expresses as ice cubes, in a seemingly never ending cycle of apparent forming and dissolving, is another question.

Edited by snowleopard

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1 hour ago, snowleopard said:

@Dodo   I like that as an analogy for the Divine individuation into form, as a locus and focus of Awareness within formlessness, for the sake of relational experience. But I'm not sure that is what the egoic mindset is, which is rather the self-identification and belief that the ice cube, i.e. form, is somehow inherently other than water, i.e. formlessness -- because, as the Heart Sutra states, 'form is not other than emptiness, and emptiness is not other than form.'  Absent that belief and self-identification, it's just a Divine ice cube in Divine water, no more, no less. 'Why' the Divine expresses as ice cubes, in a seemingly never ending cycle of apparent forming and dissolving, is another question.

Yeah, we can see how the fundamentalists may start 'thinking' that cube should become water i.e. everything should blow up into emptiness :D But the resistance vs fluidity explanation shows that this is more of an attitudinal change, a change within. The ice block is the resistance within the fluidity already present in us. 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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13 minutes ago, Dodo said:

But the resistance vs fluidity explanation shows that this is more of an attitudinal change

Well, I'm not sure about about the notion that an ice cube is resisting dissolving. It must dissolve, as is its destiny. But one can imagine resistance. However, like all such analogies/metaphors, it has its inherent limitations.

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32 minutes ago, Markus said:

that disappears with enlightenment.

@Markus I hold that Divine individuation need not disappear, but yes, just exclusive identification as that.  Although, one wonders what would possibly be 'self' identifying other than the Divine ... All there ever is.  Again, what its telos may be, may be getting into the Tao that cannot be told. ;)

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To me the Ego is just The I-thought.  And then a bunch of beliefs get attributed to this I-thought.  Once you loosen that I-thought, you’ll start to see reality for what it is.  But that bad habit of the I-thought haunts you for the rest of your life.  The only way to mitigate its effect is to develop and sustainably maintain keen-awareness.  The only thing that can loosen the I-thought is the Mind itself.  This is why you need both contemplation and awareness to do this work.  The psychedelics and meditation work on the raising awareness component.  The contemplation component has a few different functions.  One is to find out what beliefs you are clinging to subconsciously.  Two is to show you the limitations of conception.  And three is to build a reliable set of reminders (knowledge) to make your keen-awareness sustainable rather than it being a yo-yo kind of thing.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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