Guest Annetta

Adrenal fatigue

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Hello, I think my adrenal gLands are too active.  Everything makes me jumpy.  Someone closing a car door at night, police sirens.  It feels like the fight or flight response is always 'on'.  Like my spine is absorbing a fear chemical or something.  I'm usually exhausted all day.

Is there anything I can do to calm my body down?  I'm going to the drugstore to pick up some vitamins tomorrow and am open to trying some new things.

It needs to be noninteracrive with lamictal, effexor, hydroxisine and resperidone.  I take these at night.  Vitamins during the day.  If you need more info let me know.

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Have a look into autonomic nervous system and its two branches: sympathetic and parasympathetic to understand what is going on anatomically. 
These are basically two systems that the human brain uses to override and enhance or reduce various systems in body such as breathing, heart beat , muscular function, digestion etc..

1) Sympathetic (fight or flight) is the elevated stress response accompanied by increased adrenal activity along with other things such as trachea dilation and vasoconstriction of your arteries, elevated heart beat and blood pressure. This also stops your digestion and reduces immune reaction. 

2) Parasympathetic is the opposite also called "rest and digest" and this is where you want to spend more time. 


"Draw a clock" exercise (not an official name, I made it up :)

An exercise you may find beneficial is to draw a circle for every waking hour and try to indicate how much time in those 60 minutes do you spend in sympathetic and parasympatetic mode. And following this try to figure out how to even them. Ideally you want 50/50. 

Some tips for Parasympathetic (rest&digest)

  • Meditaton (Best one!!) or general breathing exercises (focus on diaphram breathing)
  • Reading of peaceful books (not horrors)
  • listening to peaceful music
  • doing things like sudoku, crossword puzzle, board games....other things

Activities that put you into Sympathetic (fight or flight)

  • exercise (although this is of course recommended but should be followed up by one of the above)
  • stress
  • dramatic movies and books
  • arguments and fights with people
  • aggressive music (D&B, techno, metal)
  • stimulants (coffee, drugs, alcohol, green tea slightly)

 A plant based diet would be one of the best tips since it puts your digestive system at ease. And since your main brain and the enteric nervous system regulating your alimentary tract are directly connected via the vagus nerve, if you help one, the other benefits as well. It has been shown that unhealthy colon contributed to depressions and anxieties. Not to mention by consuming animal food, you directly receive all the hormones that have been flushed out during final seconds of that animal's life before merciless slaughter.

And finally, perhaps consider discussing with a naturopathic nutritionist, it seems you are taking too many medications and they may not necessarily benefit you in the long term. 


Good luck :) 



Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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This doctor is very simple to follow and suffered from adrenal fatigue and mercury poisoning in his late 20's 


This guy takes it way further and explains all the science but he also obsesses over ketosis so if you don't do ketosis you need to ignore some things he is talking about. 


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@Michael569 I am thinking of doing a plant based diet, but am also considering keeping fish in my diet.  But I am worried about ingesting too much mercury.

Would supplements be sufficient enough to get what nutrients I need while on a plant based diet?

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@Nahm I'm already taking them, but b vitamins, iron,

also wondering about protein.

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I would ease into a plant based diet and see how it effects you. I have had similar experiences in the past to what you're describing. Someone counter-productively, I found/find that somewhat 'heavier' foods tend to actually calm the system down a bit more, though this might be better described as 'dulling'. When I make certain green-smoothies I am actually filled with a lot of vital energy and feel good for a while, but later actually it makes me feel ungrounded and a bit unhinged. If you practice meditation, yoga or anything that stimulates energy, I suggest that you pace it back and do less. Sometimes less is more. Conventional wisdom also says that exercise and physical grounding would help. 

I spent a far amount of time feeling quite uneasy, and parts of the day I'd suddenly feel depleted and need to sleep. These things pass though. Sometimes we can only mitigate symptoms and allow things to unfold on their own. Best of luck. 


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Thanks for this!

I'm thinking of trying a mainly fruit based diet for a month to see how I like it.  Any tips on adding protein, omegas, fats, ect?

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3 hours ago, Annetta said:

Thanks for this!

I'm thinking of trying a mainly fruit based diet for a month to see how I like it.  Any tips on adding protein, omegas, fats, ect?

You don't have to worry much about protein, the more years go by the more i understand we get more than enough from plants alone even without nuts & seeds on a daily as for omegas maybe can sprinkle around hempseeds, chia seeds or walnuts ect.. with some meals or salads but then again your body has all the intelligence it needs to indicate what you need we just have to learn to silence the mind out and listen carefully to its calling.

A mainly fruit based diet is an excellent way to really align a body/mind/spirit harmony so you will be able to understand and communicate much better with your cells and what your body needs. Follow the body, take it one step at a time and everything else will come naturally :)

I am being directed to this myself as we speak, i am so excited to journey in once again!


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@pluto 20180108_012654.jpg

Ok, I'm ready.  Will give it a one month try.

What about the pancreas?  I'm reading a fruit based diet can cause issues with it.

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2 hours ago, Annetta said:

@pluto 20180108_012654.jpg

Ok, I'm ready.  Will give it a one month try.

What about the pancreas?  I'm reading a fruit based diet can cause issues with it.

If you believe so it may but most likely it will not. Fruits and raw plants in general are the most compatible foods for the human body. Remember to follow your calling and listen to your body and how you feel. Experiments are fun but don't let the mind and fear-based thoughts and experiences of others lure you down. Trust your own intelligence. @Peace and Love has some excellent topics on raw foods in general, check them out :)

Edited by pluto


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That's a link to a pretty big document about a theory of evolution and fruit, your fruit diet immediately made me think of this. As we evolved we pretty much exclusively ate fruits and berries. Like 100s of times of the amount of vitamin c per day compared to now. It is titled left in the dark because it suggests all human beings left hemispheres are essentially damaged and fruit is the suggested as part of the cure. 

Here's a good summary of the main dietary points. It's normally easier to read than this summary, not usual so rigid and scientific.


"In this work, the authors postulate that it was not always so; the universal myth of a pre-historic Golden Age, they maintain, is a racial memory that reflects our primate evolution in an arboreal, rainforest environment in which humans possessed mental and psychic abilities that have since become lost or atrophied in the profane ages that followed. That rainforest environment favored a frugivorous diet rich in flavonoids, MAO inhibitors, and neurotransmitter precursors, and relatively low in steroid containing or x inducing elements. This dietary regime both mimicked and fostered a state, reinforced by positive feedback loops, in which pineal functions, including neocortical expansion and hemispheric integration, were potentiated; moreover, these neurochemical feedback loops were amplified in succeeding generations via the regulation of gene expression in the developing foetus, independent of conventional evolutionary mechanisms of mutation and natural selection. Climate changes or other environmental catastrophes forced several lineages of hominids as well as archaic/early humans out of their forest-dwelling ancestral home into much harsher savannah or grassland environments. As a consequence dietary regimens shifted toward roots, tubers, grass seed and a greater proportion of animal protein, triggering a reversal of the positive feedback loops that had sustained pineal potentiation and hemispheric integration in the paradisiacal, forest-dwelling Golden Age. Pineal dominance was disrupted by steroid-mediated, testosterone-driven functions primarily due to the reduced consumption of flavonoids and other steroid-inhibitory dietary factors. Changes in the dietary patterns that were forced on the population by this migration put an end to the rapid evolution of the human brain and triggered its devolution, ultimately resulting in the damaged human neural architecture that we suffer from today, and the myriad mental and physical deficits that are the legacy of our biological ‘fall from grace’"

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4 hours ago, star ark said:

That's a link to a pretty big document about a theory of evolution and fruit, your fruit diet immediately made me think of this. As we evolved we pretty much exclusively ate fruits and berries. Like 100s of times of the amount of vitamin c per day compared to now. It is titled left in the dark because it suggests all human beings left hemispheres are essentially damaged and fruit is the suggested as part of the cure. 

Here's a good summary of the main dietary points. It's normally easier to read than this summary, not usual so rigid and scientific.


"In this work, the authors postulate that it was not always so; the universal myth of a pre-historic Golden Age, they maintain, is a racial memory that reflects our primate evolution in an arboreal, rainforest environment in which humans possessed mental and psychic abilities that have since become lost or atrophied in the profane ages that followed. That rainforest environment favored a frugivorous diet rich in flavonoids, MAO inhibitors, and neurotransmitter precursors, and relatively low in steroid containing or x inducing elements. This dietary regime both mimicked and fostered a state, reinforced by positive feedback loops, in which pineal functions, including neocortical expansion and hemispheric integration, were potentiated; moreover, these neurochemical feedback loops were amplified in succeeding generations via the regulation of gene expression in the developing foetus, independent of conventional evolutionary mechanisms of mutation and natural selection. Climate changes or other environmental catastrophes forced several lineages of hominids as well as archaic/early humans out of their forest-dwelling ancestral home into much harsher savannah or grassland environments. As a consequence dietary regimens shifted toward roots, tubers, grass seed and a greater proportion of animal protein, triggering a reversal of the positive feedback loops that had sustained pineal potentiation and hemispheric integration in the paradisiacal, forest-dwelling Golden Age. Pineal dominance was disrupted by steroid-mediated, testosterone-driven functions primarily due to the reduced consumption of flavonoids and other steroid-inhibitory dietary factors. Changes in the dietary patterns that were forced on the population by this migration put an end to the rapid evolution of the human brain and triggered its devolution, ultimately resulting in the damaged human neural architecture that we suffer from today, and the myriad mental and physical deficits that are the legacy of our biological ‘fall from grace’"

You might enjoy this read

Everyone i know that tried a mostly fruit based diet has thrived and felt better than ever besides the ones that allowed others failures or misleading fears to penetrate their belief systems because ultimately the #1 ruler of any outcome in life is your mind. If you convince your mind something the mind will create it.

This is why meditation and self actualization/spirituality is important in any lifestyle change or choices because it helps silence out the mind and allows the body/heart to be more in control which has a closer frequency/intelligence to that one of nature which far exceeds the minds understanding and cannot be fooled or manipulated by external things.

Edited by pluto


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On 07/01/2018 at 1:43 AM, Annetta said:

@Michael569 I am thinking of doing a plant based diet, but am also considering keeping fish in my diet.  But I am worried about ingesting too much mercury.

Would supplements be sufficient enough to get what nutrients I need while on a plant based diet?

@Annetta yes indeed fish is full of things you don't want in your diet. Not only mercury but other things such as POPs, plastics, pesticides and all the garbage we dump in seas. All this stuff hangs around in fat tissue of fish.  Farm fished are no better and most of them are full of antibiotics to keep the anaemic fish alive. 

You can easily replace your Omega 3 from fish by a single tablespoon of chia or ground flaxseeds added to your meal once a day. Or add them into a bottle of water that you drink throughout the day. The requirement for Omega 3 is very tiny (around 1.5 gram)/day and easily met. The excess of Omega 6 is what is problematic in our society. If you are still worried, investing in an Algae form of Omega 3 will help to add some more. 

Another one is D vitamin if you do not get enough sunlight (at least 15-20 mins a day) the paler your skin the less you need. 

The most important supplement that everybody should take is B12 , no exceptions. Plant-based or not. If you are concerned about your nutrient intake, try to track your meals on (they have a great app). 

The rest is pretty much depending on your lifestyle and whether you have any deficiencies or disease. 


As per a protein, the requirements vary, but Dr Greger (owner of and author of "How not to die") recommends around 0.8g per kg of body weight. So it is much less than the insane community would tell you. Some of those articles recommend as much as 2g/kg which is an incredible way to ruin your kidneys especially if taken from animal sources. 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 Thanks!  I'll use up the fish oil I have now and then use chia and flaxseed.

Bought some plant based protein sups.

I think I'm all set.

Shame our oceans are ruined, I'd eat seafood every day if it weren't 

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This is called excess Vata.  It feels like being on a roller coaster that you have to pretend like you're not on because other people will think you're crazy, which just makes it even more intense.

It was a bitch for me to quit coffee!  I was working at a coffee shop when I decided I had to do it.  For a month I was miserable and realized my work place was severely aggravating PTSD-like symptoms.  I went even postal on some customers... My energy is way more stable after three months.  

Little bit of protein, lots of raw fats and oils, lecithin (runny egg yolks and soy), hyaluronic acid (greens, roots, soy), oceanic SALT!  and of course water.  Fruits and veggies primarily.  Try to avoid the kind of fiber that doesn't fall apart easily, meaning cook your grains and roots fully.

Sesame or coconut oil Abyanaga in a warm bath when it's cold and dry.  Try to find ways to balance excess coldness or dryness.

Sometimes I go for a brisk walk (ideally in the sunshine) to burn off the excess anxiety.  I might run up some stairs a few times too. Other days, when I have lower energy, I bring an audio book on my walk.  

Warm (seaweed tea or salty) enemas when your backed up!  Constipation definitely causes excess Vata.  Lol...

Observation.  Meditation.  Eckhart Tolle!  Eckhart Tolle always fixes my shit.

I don't wanna claim to be in fantastic health, but I will say that quitting coffee was sooooo crucial.

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I'm Vata-ing out literally right now, and I like to come on the forum and tell people what I think about having excess energy in order to turn it into clarity and positive energy.  I'm not even trying to help you right now.  This is purely selfish.  Just wanted to have a laugh at myself.  You can heal yourself.  That's the whole secret.

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