
How Can You Help Me With Enlightenment If It Can't Be Explained Though Words?

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Let's take a dogma before we dig in.

You can't help me become enlightened by talking to me.

Let's say that it's not your bad.
I just have complete disability to learn anything from others.
Hence I have to discover every thing by myself.

The core:

How can you speed up the learning process as much as humanly possible without teaching me anything?

Enlightenment looks like a thing which I can't learn from others,
but at another hand I want to speed up the process.

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Develop patience, I guess?!

And asking the right questions...O.o

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Enlightenment is like an answer of a problem given to you, and you are told to figure it out only to realize that it can't be figured out, and that realization is enlightenment. When you first listened about enlightenment, your mind automatically made a concept out of it. Imagine every label, belief and concept to be like data that requires processing to exist in the first place, Furthermore, processing requires attention. Processing of the data, according to me is the identification. Thats what causes suffering. What we are required of, to be awakened is to somehow pull the attention from the processing. Pulling away the attention is the real tricky part. So how do you do that? You can't, because if you need to do something about it, you are going to end up processing the data, which is the thing that we are trying to run away from. So an action is to take place other than the processing of the data, and guess what, such an action isn't there, but still whatever happens ,in its essence is an action, a nil action so to speak, and what comes next I think is the awakening. (These are just insights from my own short awakening experiences)

Notice that these are also words and labels being processed in your mind while you are reading them. 

Edited by Sigma

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It's not as hopeless as is sounds. Let's put this into proper context. You cannot even describe to someone with words what an orange tastes like, or what an orgasm feels like. This is true of all first-person phenomena.

This doesn't make talking about oranges and orgasms useless.

For people who believe that oranges and orgasms do not exist, it's very helpful to use words, metaphors, and to give detailed instructions for how to obtain an orange or an orgasm.

But the best function of spiritual teachers is simply inspiration. If you see me eating an orange with a big grin on my face, then you'll be moved to find your own orange and taste it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But the best function of spiritual teachers is simply inspiration. If you see me eating an orange with a big grin on my face, then you'll be moved to find your own orange and taste it.

:D comedy master

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We CAN help a lot actually. By dismantling your mind. Proving that your mind CAN be wrong about everything! When mind comes to a blank, the YOU can begin to shine :)



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8 hours ago, Parki said:

I just have complete disability to learn anything from others.
Hence I have to discover every thing by myself.

That's a lie of the ego, for example. Actually, you did learn everything from others.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not as hopeless as is sounds. Let's put this into proper context. You cannot even describe to someone with words what an orange tastes like, or what an orgasm feels like

What are you talking about, orgasm doesn't exist! it's all woo woo hippy shit, scientists in laboratory couldn't find orgasm! All prophets claiming orgasm is real are liars, I know that, I lived in the basement 20 years. 

Edited by kalter000

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4 minutes ago, kalter000 said:

What are you talking about, orgasm doesn't exist! it's all woo woo hippy shit, scientists in laboratory couldn't find orgasm! All prophets claiming orgasm is real are liars, I know that, I lived in the basement 20 years. 


Dear consciousness, I Love You anyway :D 


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11 hours ago, Parki said:

Let's take a dogma before we dig in.

You can't help me become enlightened by talking to me.

Let's say that it's not your bad.
I just have complete disability to learn anything from others.
Hence I have to discover every thing by myself.

The core:

How can you speed up the learning process as much as humanly possible without teaching me anything?

Enlightenment looks like a thing which I can't learn from others,
but at another hand I want to speed up the process.

Take the red pill ! ??


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On 27.02.2016 at 6:46 AM, abrakamowse said:

I just have complete disability to learn anything from others.
Hence I have to discover every thing by myself.

On 27.02.2016 at 6:46 AM, abrakamowse said:

That's a lie of the ego, for example. Actually, you did learn everything from others.

>Let's take a dogma before we dig in.



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22 minutes ago, Parki said:


>Let's take a dogma before we dig in.




Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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4 hours ago, kalter000 said:

What are you talking about, orgasm doesn't exist! it's all woo woo hippy shit, scientists in laboratory couldn't find orgasm! All prophets claiming orgasm is real are liars, I know that, I lived in the basement 20 years. 

Haha! :D Touche!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

On 27.02.2016 at 6:26 AM, Leo Gura said:

You cannot even describe to someone with words what an orange tastes like, or what an orgasm feels like. This is true of all first-person phenomena.

hhhm I think you should to say about it somewhere at your videos.

Cuz when I heard "enlightnenment cannot be explain with words" I begin think that it the only one thing that cannot be explain with words. And it's not, cuz speaking is interaction to memories. hence if you have no memories about something - you can't understeand about it.


Btw it really good to make distintion about what could be explain with words and what can't.

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@Parki Words don't really explain anything. They are a confusion of the mind. Just sounds and images which function as symbols: things that are themselves not the thing they speak of. In actuality all words and symbols are illusions. Nothing can represent a thing better than itself. This is the fundamental deception of the mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you see me eating an orange with a big grin on my face, then you'll be moved to find your own orange and taste it.

Thank goodness you dropped the orgasm analogy for this part :P:D

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On February 27, 2016 at 6:13 AM, Parki said:

Let's take a dogma before we dig in.

You can't help me become enlightened by talking to me.

Let's say that it's not your bad.
I just have complete disability to learn anything from others.
Hence I have to discover every thing by myself.

The core:

How can you speed up the learning process as much as humanly possible without teaching me anything?

Enlightenment looks like a thing which I can't learn from others,
but at another hand I want to speed up the process.

Hi @Parki. There are two pieces of knowledge than can help to "accelerate the process". Know what you are looking for? And how to find it? .. I wrote this a few days ago in another forum. I hope it helps.


The only way to enlightenment is love. Let me explain why this is the case. 

Enlightenment is experiencing your essence or true nature. Your true nature is being (pure I AMness). So how do you find being ?

First you need to know what you are looking for .. so let me tell you.

Being is a vibration of energy and it IS at a certain frequency. The frequency of being IS the frequency of pure Love, pure Joy and pure Compassion combined. It's a nice cocktail..

If you want to experience being you must tune-in with that frequency. You have to become IT.

Being can not be understood or described by the mind. This is why you cannot think your way into enlightenment. Being has to be experienced by our feelings and our senses.

Being is all around us but we can't see it. It is hidden from us. The reason we can't see it is because we are looking for it in the dark. Let me tell you how to find it.

Imagine you are in a dark room and you want to find something in the room. What do you do ?

You can sit in the room waiting for the thing to somehow move and hit you (this can take 5000 hours or more) or you can crawl and try to feel it with your hands but this is a big big room ( this can also take 5,000 hours or more) or there is a third option !!!

Simply find the light switch and TURN ON THE LIGHTS in the room. No more need to spend 5,000 hours. It appears immediately. It was right in front of you !

But we all know this stuff !! .. The problem is that nobody knows where the light switch IS or how to turn it ON !! 

Do you want to know how ?

Let me tell you a story .. imagine you are playing a game of hide and seek .. and you are hiding in the dark. You found a very good spot where no one can find you. They search and they search .. and they just can't find you !!

Suddenly you hear beautiful music of love coming from one of the seekers..

You turn around to hear this amazing music and you see that this music of love makes the seeker's awareness radiate pure light !! 

upppss !!! suddenly it's not so dark any more ..

Then you look at yourself and you see that this music of love is also making your own awareness shine !! .. 

Now. Finally. The seeker can see you !! You are shining in pure light ..

Ok so I hope I made it clear.. but just in case I didn't. Let me explain what happens.

"Awareness radiates (shines) light when it vibrates as love"


This is the big secret.. this is how you turn on the lights.

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Someone can explain it but you won't understand it. Did you watch his enlightenment experience video? if yes, Did you understand it? But enlightened person can show you the way. The experience and the way are not the same so by explaining the experience, you won't understand the way and by explaining the way, you won't understanding the experience. One more thing is if a person explained his enlightenment experience, it will make people to imagine unnecessary things.

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How can one comprehend the concept of infinity if its bigger than him.

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@werlight How do you know that? Enlightenment might be explained as a blissful light, but it's none of what you can already imagine. You cannot hold your self to a vibration of a thing you currently have no access to. You simply do not know the "vibration" of enlightenment, assuming it has a vibration in the first place.

You're trying to argue the usefulness of what you're proposing. There isn't any validity in it.

"Water takes shape of whatever container holds it." --

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