
Is my ego tricking me to meditate less?

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Hey everyone.  So I have a question, that I think this is the only place where I can get the appropriate tips and suggestions. Well then, I have been practicing meditation for three years now a journey filled with ups and downs. It was only last year that I stumble upon , and I can say that 2017 it was so far my best year of practice, Leo's videos really help me persist with this habit. Anyways, also with Leo's help I was able to find my LP, which I'm super motivated and working daily. But my LP doesn't involve meditation (as a main habit per se), and I'm thinking in actually decreasing the time of my meditation practice. I usually do one hour daily, now I'm thinking in switching to 20 minutes, so I can dedicate myself more in building my LP. So what you guys think? Is this normal, a responsible attitude or is just my ego messing with me and making excuses to meditate less?

Thanks in advance! :)

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I always play mind games to trick my ego when I am feeling particularly sensible. I would do exactly what you suggest but instead of just doing 40 less minutes of meditating and 40 more minutes of LP, do an extra full hour or LP. See how your ego likes that one 

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@saint_charming7 You posted this 20 mins. ago. You could have added 20 mins. to your meditation instead. One more reply and there's your hour.

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Oh yes.  The Ego hates meditation.  It doesn’t want to be observed so keenly.

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@Joseph Maynor @cetus56  Yeah, definitely I guess is all about "creating that extra time to do so". By all means I don't want to regress in my meditation practice. Thanks for the wise words!

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@saint_charming7 Great question. I think only you could know.   If there are things to let go of, or a spaciousness you favor increasing, or resistant thoughts in the mix, then stay strong on the meditation. If you’re filled with joy and bliss, excited and ready, unfolding the steps of your LP, then skip it and get to enjoying the serendipity of your day - but if you suspect the ego is tricking you as to which, then it is. 



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Maybe not , you said you have been doing for three years straight  , that's a lot  !  If you feel like giving a break or decreasing the time.... do it and see how you feel  ! 

personally I used to meditate everyday for straight 7 months but recently I gave it a break just to focus on carrer and family and personal development .. And honestly I think this time has been the most I have raised my consciousness  !  

I am not saying you should stop,  but it's okay to just forget about it for sometime  ! 

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@saint_charming7 increase you meditation time to two hours

if your life purpose cannot leverage the power of meditation then you either misunderstand the full benefits of meditation or your purpose sucks 

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Anything the ego makes you do is the ego trying to "trick" you, it doesn't matter what it is.  If you force yourself to meditate that is just as much the ego trying to trick you to meditate as when it's trying to keep you from meditation.

You have to come to your own conclusions what is best for you. Meditation or no meditation, do what makes the most sense to you at this time. Insight comes from experience, not just blindly treading the same water.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Life purpose, if it is really your life purpose, should also grow yourself spiritually, just like meditation does. You just need to be sure you have really found your lp, otherwise, sooner or later, it will just act as an hindrance and find it doesn't really have anything to do with growth and a conscious life. Meditation should not be an obstacle to your lp, one should empower the other, they go hand in hand.

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