
how do i rewire my brain from sexual activities?

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I tried to do nofap carelessly and actually what it did is strenghtened my desire for certain sexual activities that im not even interested in, when i actually tried to do them they weren't exciting at all and it was all just empty anticipation. 

i actually experience a bit of fear right now realizing how dangerous it is playing with your brain and I want to get some information as to how exactly do rewire my brain to positive things. as i understand it, the more i think about something the stronger the network about that thing is the more desire i have to do it. thats what i guess happened with me. if its true then no pmo means more thinking about wanting sexual experiences and that actually creating addictions that werent even there. how do i turn this to my advantage for example to want to read books, study, do life purpose work, raising consciousness, etc.

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Gotta get a vision strong enough to overcome the urges and to go back to whenever you're at your lowest, your foundation must be strong. You need reasons to stop - whether that be the excessive energy you obtain from nofap, whether it be rewiring your brain to not feel urges over every little thing you see in public, etc.

Have productive distractions at the ready to divert yourself if the time comes, not destructive distractions that replace one bad habit with another. The problem with awareness is that we think we're aware but in reality we're only a small percentage aware, and that's an ego trap in itself. Try noticing when it happens, and consciously making the mature decision to alter that energy into something that benefits you rather than hinders your progress.

best of luck


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Something that have helped me in other areas was to stretch the time i was able to go with out it(for example using the internet too much) or set limits to how much time i could use it and eventual eliminate it over time(i think it helps to rewire the mind to get used to go without it)

or only on specific days or a specific time i could use it and then not use it at all out side of those

however it might work as a temporary solution maybe not as a permanent solution 

but it's just from personal experience I don't have any research to back it up except from cal newports book deep work where he talks about something very similar where he goes in to detail on how to unwire the brain from using the internet 

to rewire it to something positive maybe you can use habits as a tool to rewire your brain

some study shows that it takes about 66 days to form a new habit 

alternative you can replace a habit with an other one (i have read that some where able to replace a bad habit with a positive one at least thats what i rember)

hope you can use it :) 

Edited by BjarkeT

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