Joseph Maynor

Is this the Fundamental Trap of Conceptual Knowing?

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In order for you to be and feel right, someone else needs to be wrong.  And feeling wrong is intolerable to you.  It's the worst feeling.  It makes you feel small, stupid, ugly, insecure, weak, inferior, like a pathetic loser.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Security, validation, and so on.

The image in which we have put together gets questioned. We cling to this image of “knowing” for security. This is one reason thought becomes corrupt. 

Edited by Faceless

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Here's the problem.  Can you tolerate feeling wrong or like you don't know?  Are you really gonna be able to accept that?

Because otherwise you'll just always assume you are right, and you'll continue to use your rules to rationalize this.  


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Everyone’s ‘feeling’ of being wrong is dynamically different. We feel the meaning we’ve assigned. For example, some people get very upset hearing that their belief is a belief. Some people love discovering their belief because they want to be free of them, to have clarity. To me it’s a fun little game, and to some it’s a justification for a war. I think it has a lot to do with the environment we grow up in. If parent is ultra critical, kid may learn to assert he is right for the affection. I had to ‘undo’ that one myself. Also, not everyone’s default is assuming they’re right. Some are interested in the truth.



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Yeah.. or can u see that this wanting “clinging”  to be right is influencing the quality of thought. This rationalization according to ones bias in the attempt to bring a sense of security is where thinking becomes crooked. 

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

In order for you to be and feel right, someone else needs to be wrong. 

I don't accept this assumption. Personally, I often "feel right" with someone who agrees with me.

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To the ego identity it can be motivated by and can manifest in this way but this type of 'right knowledge' trigger is really found within the subconscious and is a primitive survival mode trigger. This ego taps into this resource in our psychology for the emotional, mental and physical buttons to push in us to act on behalf of it's desire to reinforce and secure identity.

It's only a trap if we make it or allow it to be one but it's really just a natural mechanism that we can use for productive and beneficial work in us as well.

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