
Addiction of “Enlightenment”

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I've had some 'it's all just insanity' experiences, very heavy ones. It usually happens when I meditate a lot. But when I come back to my senses I always think about the alternative of spirituality, if you will do what most of people do you will end up where most of people end.

Take insanity in little portions! Don't overdose!



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You can delete the post but the Truth of this perspective will remain. 

I offer you the seekers one little experiment. Try to stop drinking water. Observe how long can you last without getting back to it  if you last at least the month than the experiment failed. But if you can’t then the addiction is real. This addiction is the most dangerous one. One which is addicted to the quenched thirst. Addiction of the “thirst quench seeker”. 

Addicted to be quenched rather than thirsty.

being thirsty is so scary. Scary to die, scary to be hurt. Addicted to run away from all the dryness. It is no different than other addictions. It just seems the liquid solution. Does this perspective has a right to exist? Why not?!



Any perspective has the right to exist. There are still some addictions that are better than others. And some perspectives that are more closeminded than others <- This one could also be considered closeminded, depends on your perspective ? thats why i dont care much for perspectives and go for what is objective instead.

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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6 hours ago, egoless said:

@Nahm yet again you are here everyday thinking, meditating doing yogas trying desperately to become liberated...

why are we desperate?

i'm a turtle, slowly and steadily winning this race

every single day i am a little bit better because of my "addiction"

some days i have an epiphany and experience immense growth

your ego is an addiction, it is simply something you feed each day 

every single activity could be argued as falling on a spectrum of addiction, apparently the entire planet is on the autistic spectrum now 9_9

absolutes do exist (we do have brains!) an addiction to poison is worse than an addiction to breathing slightly deeper


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