
Addiction of “Enlightenment”

24 posts in this topic

You can close the thread but the Truth of this perspective will remain. 

I offer you the seekers one little experiment. Try to stop thinking and practicing anything you do connected with Enlightenment. Observe how long can you last without getting back to it :) if you last at least the month than the experiment failed. But if you can’t then the addiction is real. This addiction is the most dangerous one. One which is addicted to the liberation. Addiction of the “peace seeker”. 

Addicted to be infinite rather than finite.

being finite is so scary. Scary to die, scary to be hurt. Addicted to run away from all the negative. It is no different than other addictions. It just seems the infinite solution. Does this perspective has a right to exist? Why not?!

Edited by egoless

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You're right. But we have to live with it. Trying not to be addicted would be even more fucked up.

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@Nahm yet again you are here everyday thinking, meditating doing yogas trying desperately to become liberated...

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@egoless  What is it that is addicted? Can a dream be addicted to a dream? Maybe The Divine is addicted to its dream that the dream is not a dream. ;)

Edited by snowleopard

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Chasing is neurotic.  This is why a meditation practice is advised.  People need to become more accepting of reality instead of neurotically always trying to move towards something.  Just accept what is.  This is easy to say and hard to do.  The Mind is always neurotically trying to "understand" things.  Being doesn't need to be understood, it just needs to be experienced.

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I'm happy for you, egoless for your insights. 

Compassion will always be the way to go :)

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5 minutes ago, egoless said:

you as a separate self is addicted to it

Again, how can a dream be addicted to a dream?

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28 minutes ago, egoless said:

@Nahm yet again you are here everyday thinking, meditating doing yogas trying desperately to become liberated...

I am at peace. I wish you the same. 



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I am scared that I will lose my humanity and become emotionless existence.... 

what if we are loosing our face? Does not matter that it may be an illusion it is still part of everything. 

What if being god is no better than being human with all it’s flaws, anxieties, vulnerability and fear of the death?

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5 hours ago, egoless said:

What if being god is no better than being human

What if the Divine is dreaming up its 'self'-perpetuating dream for the sake of having this human experience. 'Why?' is another question, which is probably getting into the Tao that cannot be told ...

Nature, the fount of life, has its seasons,
winter, spring, summer, autumn.
So it is with the seasons of the soul,
now asleep, now awakening,
now blossoming, now bearing fruit ...
all appearing in their allotted time.
Oneness loves them all equally,
these dreamtime apparitions,
these cycles of life and death,
the sun-kissed leaf, the frostbit flower,
the suffering child, the grief-stricken heart,
the praying mantis devouring her mate,
should one ever dare to aver
any one would be without the other.
Thus sleep peacefully this dark night,
knowing it births the newborn dawn.

Edited by snowleopard

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1 minute ago, snowleopard said:


What if the Divine is dreaming up its 'self'-perpetuating dream for the sake of having this human experience. Why is another question, which is probably getting into the Tao that cannot be told ...

Nature, the fount of life, has its seasons,
winter, spring, summer, autumn.
So it is with the seasons of the soul,
now asleep, now awakening,
now blossoming, now bearing fruit ...
all appearing in their allotted time.
Oneness loves them all equally,
these dreamtime apparitions,
these cycles of life and death,
the sun-kissed leaf, the frostbit flower,
the suffering child, the grief-stricken heart,
the praying mantis devouring her mate,
should one ever dare to aver
any one would be without the other.
Thus sleep peacefully this dark night,
knowing it births the newborn dawn.

What if the dreamer does not “want” to be waken up as dreaming is the whole purpose of existence?

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6 minutes ago, snowleopard said:

@egoless  What if pigs could fly?

I am sure there is the manifestation for that also 

“somewhere, sometime”

Edited by egoless

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46 minutes ago, egoless said:

I am scared that I will lose my humanity and become emotionless existence.... 

Then you are addicted just as much as people who you are bashing.

Do you want to self-actualize first, instead of aiming for Enlightment? Then great, nothing is stopping you from doing that. Just don't hold it as an ultimate blueprint for everyone. Otherwise, you are causing unneccessary mayhem.

1 hour ago, egoless said:

What if the dreamer does not “want” to be waken up as dreaming is the whole purpose of existence?

All purposes are created. Dreaming is not an absolute purpose of life, there's none of such thing. It's only the purpose that you have created for yourself, please don't force it onto others. What if purpose of life is exploring reality as much as possible?

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A fragment of an image clings to another fragment of an image and manifest to form another image, and on an on it goes. The mechanical process of fragmentation.


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Nice one. For me periods of pure shadow work take care of it, as in just trying to dig out all the negative emotions and being with them, tackling addictions which again give rise to repressed negative emotions.
I can stay in a very happy state almost all the time if I want to, but I don't because I want to live this life to the fullest not only on the bright side.
But in the end the bright side gets even brighter with this kind of work anyway.

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@Girzo I’m not bashing anyone here. I am criticizing myself first of all. 

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You recently proclaimed on this forum about some personal revelation and since then you have become addicted to calling out others about what you assume is their inner work. You didn't cease the addiction, you just changed the vice. Can you see it? It's an addiction to being right masquerading as bringing "truth".

Besides.... I'm addicted to awareness like I am addicted to food, water and breath.

Edited by SOUL

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