Sahil Pandit

Share your 2018 Common Place Book!

2 posts in this topic


I have a very minimal approach. It's Evernote, so structure is limited compared to Microsoft's OneNote, you can't have a deep tree of hierarchy.

Every big topic in my life gets it's own category. Rest is stuffed into Miscellaneous. In each category there's a Goals List note that is divided into: short-term, mid-term, long-term goals and archive. Properly tagged so I can access them any time.

Notes are basic and heavily interlinked. I try to store there only important information, like techniques, exercises, photos, short and concise notes, etc. It's designed so I look into it, decide on what action to take, learn how to do it and then take it. This way there's no time wasted browsing around.

There are also three journals, I write in these almost on a daily manner. The first one is called Daily. Here I write bulletpoints of important things that has happend throughout the day and judge wheter that results in me being a better or worse human being compared to day before. The next one is meditation log where I write all my sessions down and practical insights on practicing meditation in accompaniment. The last one is about workout, I write down every workout here and my basic metrics, body weight, etc. So I can know what works and what not and base my choices on that.

I hope reading that will help someone with his/her own setup!

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