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star ark

Positive message in song lyrics

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I made a psychedelic heavy metal album called God Complex Avatar, it did well and even won some small time blog's album of the years, however I suspect I won those out of generosity due to being a one man band. That was about 6 years ago and I was getting dozens and sometimes hundreds of views a day, but these days about 10 views a week. I missed my chance to build the momentum. I am happy overall in life though and do not need to succeed to be happy.

I use the name Star Ark as a band name but really I am just one guy.

I threw myself into 2 other very established bands knowing i was running from the ordeal of another solo album (for me it truly is an ordeal). Both of those bands were disasters. 

I wish to make a positive change in the lyrical content as mixing music involves listening to it thousands of times and I hated listening to myself impersonate demons and whatnot for the lyrical content. The new EP or album will either be called "Airhead" or "Pod Peephole". It will incorporate themes of meditation, strange loops and the size of space vs the size of man.I have unsuccessfully made these sorts of pacts before but never out loud or written in a journal.  I will turn the following lyrics into a song called "Airhead" and have it complete before I go back to work on January the 29th.


Beneath eyes closed

Beneath all sense of self

I feel so weak and tired

I feel the spark rise and ignite

Beneath oceans

Beneath tides that rise and fall

I'm so deep inside

I feel the flames rising higher

I breath thunder

I peer through the eye of storms

I see somethings divine

I see somethings stark raving mad

Mind bleed wonder

I saw too much with mine

Through death and rebirth

I know I've lived a thousand lives

Mind bleed wonder


I'm so deep inside


A messenger resides


Within yourself dive deeper 





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