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Is this possible?

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Is it possible to catch your ego from claiming a decision, or anything else while it's happening or right after it?


Edit: dunno wtf just happened but all of a sudden i totally understand what Tony Parsons was talking about all that time. I'm just bad at explaining what's going on.

Edited by Psyche_92

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@Psyche_92 yeah it totally is.
Like when youre talking to someone, and in the middle of the sentence you realize the reason why youre saying what youre saying is only because you want their love and approval. :-) 
And they cant give that to you, so you give that to yourself.
Happened to me many many times.

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18 minutes ago, Outer said:

The ego catches the ego? What do you mean with you?

Nothing, consciousness, awareness? Idk, can't really call it "something". It's something but nothing at the same time, because i know i'm here, but i'm also not here, because i can't see or pinpoint myself to anything.

Edited by Psyche_92

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@Psyche_92  It appears possible in any given moment to wake up in a dream and have it revealed to be what it actually is and not what it was believed to be.

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18 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

What would a decision look like exactly?

A thought? idk...

Edited by Psyche_92

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1 minute ago, Mighty Mouse said:

Me neither xD  I don't think I've ever seen a decision in my life.

But if you suspect they do exist and you want to go look for them, then first be sure that you know what you're looking for.

Otherwise how would you know when you found it...?

A decision doesn't exist LOL. It only exists for the ego.

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1 minute ago, Mighty Mouse said:

What happened is you unmasked a fraud

Tony or a decision?

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2 minutes ago, snowleopard said:

Tony or a decision?

LMAO. I think he's talking about the fraud of being an individual that's making decisions and living a life.

Edited by Psyche_92

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Well, i kinda automatically lie because of previous habits when i just said what i knew a person wanted to hear.
Now i catch myself doing it afterwards and tell the person the truth and it can be quite awkward at times.

Edit: Tho i was i heavy stoner at the time

Edited by quicker_than_purple
Wanted to add something

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5 minutes ago, Psyche_92 said:


Just wait until all the rest is unmasked ... LYAO x a gazillion

Edited by snowleopard

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1 minute ago, snowleopard said:

Just wait until you unmask all the rest ... LYAO x a gazillion

I think that just happened tbh.

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@Psyche_92 There you go you are on a final "step" you just realized you cant find yourself that means you dont exist tha da !

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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