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Factors & Timing

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I've been seeing someone for about 6 months. They don't do long commitments, or children, and I have a child, plus some visions for a loving interdependent union someday. So, this is not serious or long-term. I have never been ok with this type of relationship before, and I'm super stoked that I can accept it, beyond a growth experience!

That said, I am moving to a new place, new home, new life, slowly - in stages right now. There are many benefits to this semi-relationship: love, like mindedness with PD work, fountain of amazing spiritual knowledge (from studies and experiences), Tantra studies/sex, real authenticity/friendship, mindful communication, gracious support, etc...

There are also a few "cons". I'm moving (not too far, but a car or bus + boat ride away), my time preparing for my move is limited with a shitload to do, the lack of connection with my child effects her, and there is a lack of emotional comprehension that effects me as well....and it can seem like a distraction or addiction at times....

I know that I will have to say good-bye eventually, that there will be a bit of a grieving process, that we would likely remain friends and want the best/ happiness for each other. That said, I don't know how to determine when that time is right because I have never had a relationship start or end so freely...ideas? tips? insights?


Edited by Epiphany_Inspired
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This probably seems like another "why are you even asking" question to you guys...I promise, I really am *totally ignorant* and don't know how to navigate this. I have never been in a dating situation before that didn't at least have the *optimism* for long-term. How do you know if a short-term thing is still of merit, and when it no longer serves the parties involved: 

Is it "bad for" my child if I am involved with someone that does not care for/ bond with children? 

Are there signs or signals that would let me know when this has run it's course? (break-ups are usually less "expected")

My time management sucks, I have a lot to do for my move over the next few months, and I really enjoy spending time with them...these seem like ingredients in a potential recipe for problems.

How do I know if it is better to limit time together, or omit the time together (for my productivity), trial and error?

How easy is it to get a kundalini snake back to sleep (if it was sleeping for years and has only recently re-awoken)?

How would I determine if this a worthwhile part of our experiences, or if it is an enjoyable distraction?

Thanks so much, wishing you love inside and out for 2018!



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