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Sahil Pandit

Hyper Sensitive to Words

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Hello all,

I hope you can relate to this..

Lately, I have been working harder on self actualizing. Working out hard, cleaning up my diet, my mind. Being conscious all day long, you know how it goes...

I am an INFJ personality type, and I am highly sensitive, and one thing that has been getting on my nerves is how NUMB people are to the WORDS that they say!

I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE when people say things that make them weak. How do I cope with this? I know the power of words, and their ability to heal... yet people around me have zero self awareness and say things that are KILLING them inside...

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6 minutes ago, Sahil Pandit said:


If you are sensitive to words try working on these words, it manifests from emotional pain that is likely also creating the sensitivity you are experiencing. Get to the source of this self induced suffering and heal it then watch how the words of others will flow past you like the wind and you will be able to address it from a place of healing.


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Would you accept yourself if you were using those words right now? Probably not. I'd assume you've heard something about not judging or not holding things as right or wrong in a black and white sense. I'd recommend having a more compassionate and loving approach to not react in such a negative sense. Once you accept the phenomenon you can actually gain motivation from seeing these people. Because you will see that you can do things to help them or if not especially them you will be able to at least help people with this in the future. It might still look very painful, but at least you can help them although it might mean improving yourself first of all.

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Words are meningless and forgettable.

The greatest joy in life comes from silence. 

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