Joseph Maynor

What is The Actual Chart of Your Awareness?

4 posts in this topic

Are you in an increase, decrease, or are you holding steady?  I'm having the keen-insight that awareness is like a continuous function in mathematics.  It goes up and down, and this is often not something you are fully aware of.   But when the Mind gives way to stratospheric awareness, you will appreciate that ascent and notice it.  Those parts of the curve are awesome.  I feel myself ascending with a fast rate of change right now.  We'll see where that goes.  But now I can see that I was on a plateau for a long time.  About 2-3 months.  Enlightenment is about transcending not repressing the Ego.  That's the path!  Yo!  But check this out.  I've been more aware than I am right now in the past.  That makes me humble because I now realize we go through these kind of fade-in/ fade-out shifts with awareness that we are often unconscious of.  Yet the Mind makes us believe that we are always growing in a linear manner.  I hope you see the point I am trying to make here.  What is your actual chart of awareness?  This might shock the shit out of you to realize that this kind of thing is happening and you are not in control over it.

THING FOR ME TO TEACH – We need a strategy to maintain high-awareness at all times.  This would have to be something in writing that would ring the right bells for reminder.

Video on point to watch:

And this one:

And finally this one:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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48 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

What is The Actual Chart of Your Awareness?


6am dip - usually coincides with me reading/posting on the forum.

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@Joseph Maynor I don’t think awareness, in the manor you’re stating, is out of our control. I think sleep, diet, exercise, meditation, self inquiry and mindfulness are ‘behind’ it. And allowing time for momentum to change. 



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My awareness if off the charts.


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