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I want to bring up the topic of self-defence as this issue of being walked over came about in a dream for me yesterday and today affected my brother in a rather personal way. 

  1. My dream was rather a flashback from my early childhood I hadn't had in rather a long time and came about from a moment of conflict when I was in kindergarten or when I was 5 years old at school. I had a boy kick me in the head and my reaction to this was to simply walk away and not tell anyone about this issue. This lead to a rather black eye which I lied to my Mum about saying I'd ran into a pole out of fear of embarrassment.
  2. Today my brother was spoken to in a rather disrespectful way at his first job which felt personal to me as well. He had a rather smart ass comment thrown at him saying "what were you dropped on your head as a kid?" followed by rather insulting comments about his work from his boss which were also rather personal in which he copped on the chin but didn't really defend himself either.

I feel like I've improved a lot since I was 6 years old obviously and feel helpless about this matter as I've always been told to walk away from conflict but at the same time have thrived off it at times.

I'm a bodybuilder which doesn't make me bulletproof but am curious to know what you guys have to say on this matter & what to do when somebody crosses a personal boundary?

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Perhaps a bit extreme, against "not so nice people".

Minor acts of violence is great, try to inflict pain without making it seem like you are attacking someone. The brain is very adaptable when experiencing "danger". The side of the neck is very sensitive, so are fingers.

Also you don't want to leave scars or actually cause damage to them. Sounds like sociopath behaviour? it's only self-defence.

So for instance you put you thumb on one side of his neck and you index finger on the other while walking together, press a little bit and tell him to stop mistreating you. I will look like you just teasing him, that's what he will feel as well looking back at it.

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