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Kashmir Shaivism

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Anyone knows what precisely it is and how to practice it for collapsing the known experience into oneness? 

I already recognized myself that I am that which is aware of the experience. Now I am seeking the ways to become one with the known experience.

Anyone who has advanced beyond this level (basically "Enlightened") has any recommendations on that?

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@Joseph Maynor this is not ideology this is visualization yoga practice to collapse experience with knowing element. This is the final step of understanding. Many people are getting stuck at the realization that they are witnessing awareness. Witnessing awareness is still dualistic understanding and sometimes is referred to “Enlightened dualism”. But in order to achieve full liberation awareness must become one with the experience...

Edited by egoless

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Good day! I haven't had any Enlightenment experiences, but  I can surely recommend you Vijnana Bhairava Tantra.  It a truly magnificent book, that was written in the 8-9th century and is a core book of Kashmir Shaivism. If you haven't heard about it, give it a try. It contains 112 Tantras or practices to get one with Shiva, the absolute. 
Hope I helped ya ;) 

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@egoless  You might resonate with Igor Kufayev  who is a teacher that focuses on Kashmir Shaivism tantra. While I find some of it quite intriguing, other parts of it I can set aside. He also has a youtube channel with tons of videos , interviews, etc.


Edited by snowleopard

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@snowleopard Do you know any specific video where he actually explains how to do oneness yoga meditation?  That would save my time to search them all manually.

Edited by egoless

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@egoless I'm not aware of any specific talk that addresses 'oneness yoga meditation' practice -- whatever that is. He seems to endorse a version of vipassana, involving focusing on the breath. The 'oneness' experience --- if that's what you're referring to -- could come about through any meditation practice that involves some inquiry into dispelling the exclusive, separate self-identity, so that all that remains is being aware of awareness, which is what he is speaking about in the following talk ...


I haven't yet watched the following interview, but maybe they get into some discussion of mediation practice ...


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