
What Am I Looking For Here ?!

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If things can appear on awareness, it means the things are not awareness, because they are being perceived by awareness.

Awareness can't appear on awareness. That's just not possible !

How the hell can I perceive awareness ?!

this is hard :/

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I sorry if I confuse you more but..

Everything that IS, is just one immense sea of awareness and light.

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@Bruno Sousa


did you watch the latest video of Leo "the true existential nature of self" ?, yes you can't perceive awareness, because their is no perceiver at all. You cannot bend  awareness to see itself:)

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yeah I've seen it, and that's what got me confused haha

If awareness can't be perceived, how does one achieve enlightenment ?

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5 minutes ago, Bruno Sousa said:

yeah I've seen it, and that's what got me confused haha

If awareness can't be perceived, how does one achieve enlightenment ?

Be aware of what is beyond all pre-conceived notions. Get present to only what you're aware of, which is what is true in your subjective experience in the present moment. Don't get caught up in thought stories. The past is a thought story. The future is a thought story. They don't exist. Thoughts are real, but the content of thoughts are thought stories. You don't control the thoughts. You are not your thoughts. You are not the content of a thought story. There are sights, sounds, tastes, tactual sensations, smells, and thoughts. That is all there is in the field of awareness. If you're not experiencing it in the present moment, it isn't real.

Then once you're aware of these things and can get a real experience of them, focus and practice unconditional love and acceptance toward them. Don't let the thought stories hi-jack your awareness. Let them go. Then let yourself go. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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I agree .. listening to other peoples ideas can be confusing. All these ideas about the nature of reality and the nature of awerness are not important.. and are not what you should be focusing on. The only thing that matters is to look inside yourself and look for the truth there. The only relevant question you have to ask yourself is who am I ? .. every wisdom in the universe comes from answering that fundamental question..

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On 2/27/2016 at 5:52 PM, Bruno Sousa said:

yeah I've seen it, and that's what got me confused haha

If awareness can't be perceived, how does one achieve enlightenment ?

You ARE enlightenment!

Enlightenment is not something you find or perceive but something you BE!

Because all reality is actually just BEING.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Bruno Sousa Right. You don't perceive awareness. But you can be awareness. And in being it, it reveals its nature.

How does on be it? It's quite simple. There's a space in your mind that's always calm. Do a meditation and go find it. You don't see it, but you can notice it by how every feeling, emotion, and thought appears and disappears in it. In Leo's no-bullshit meditation video, this is the same as being the sky. However, I like the metaphor of the ocean. The ocean is calm underneath the water, and all the things that appear in awareness are like waves that ride over it. Practice being the ocean, not the waves. You can even notice this space as you go throughout your work day. It's a comfortable spot to rest your mind.

As you be this space, your awareness of it will grow. As that happens, insight will come with it, and all this talk from enlightenment teachers will start to make sense.

Edited by Grasshopper

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You ARE enlightenment!

Enlightenment is something you find or perceive but something you BE!

Because all reality is actually just BEING.

Beautiful Leo !!!!

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Can you see through child eyes again?

Edited by cetus56

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I still have a lot of questions, but if I hadn't, I would be enlightened already :D

And I think no one can really answer these questions but me.

After all, how is it possible for someone to discuss the nature of Being using language ?

But thanks for all who answered !

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