
Finding LP late in life

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Leo, please address pursuing LP in your mid 40's when we feel like we should be at our career peak not starting at 0 of 10,000 hrs.

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Thank you Michael569. I just listened to it now (#8 Too Old).... Still struggling with it


Edited by Anthony1000

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But if you start now you may still achive the 10000 hours by 50 and even 20000 hours by 60 and you still have many years afterwards it's definitely not too late to start plus you can still get very good and earn money etc. before 10000 hours john williams is 85 and is still making awesome music

The average people in 40s aren't working towards mastery(or have achieved it) and even many people below or above so you are definitely not a lone and its definitely still possible to achive it

If you are interested I recommend reading so good they can't ignore you and deep work by cal newport they are about what matters in career and how to get really good faster :) 

maybe also read on some book by anderson ericksson he should be the one who originally came up with the 10000 hours rule or at least was a part of the research behind it :) 

Edited by BjarkeT

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BjarkeT I will look into yr recommendations. I just started reading "Mastery" Thank you

K VIL   Still working through this. I really love wildlife and wilderness - Africa. Have a very business ideas around that. My strengths are more in business process improvement. And for the last 2 yrs I have been doing public speaking on a totally different topic. Messy huh? 


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blazed haha. if you think that's f**ked you haven't lived

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@Anthony1000 everything you’ve done lead you to be what you are now. You can do anything you think you can do. I have a buddy was doing well working in finance and at age 45 he moved to the west US to work in the forestry service. He’s very happy he did it. It worked out great. 



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@Anthony1000 first give yourself a mental "highfive" that you found out about this now and not in your 60s. 

The only advice I would give you is to put a lot of focus in your diet, fitness and lifestyle. Focus on daily exercise regiment and transition as close to wholefood diet as possible. Meditate daily and look for ways to reduce your stress. This way you will live beyond your 90s and will have pleeeeenty of time to realise whatever your heart desires! 

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@Anthony1000 Ignore the 10,000 rule. If you want to become truly world class then sure it applies. But for actualizing your life purpose it's not as important or necessary, in my opinion. You can create an amazing life in much less, but only if you focus on using what hours you have wisely and effectively. I wish I had known this a year or two ago. Deliberate learning and practise of skills is key. Read DW by CN on Leo's book list. 

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@Nahm I totally hear that.  I can make excuses and say my situation is very different and I have many roadblocks that he probably didn't have and at the end of the day I know that it's a mindset issue.


@Michael569    I try


@Space.. Of course you are correct and I don't think that anybody would suggest not taking action until we reach master status.

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