Joseph Maynor

Is it a Trap to Believe that You Have Transcended the Ego?

10 posts in this topic

Lately I’ve been really aware of the fact that this is such lip service and denial of reality.  Everyone has an Ego, even Enlightened people. I think there’s a bullshit false narrative that “Enlightened people” no longer have an Ego or that they have transcended the Ego.  Them’s just words and beliefs, and a denial of reality to boot!

Video to watch for some background:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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5 minutes ago, see_on_see said:

>>> I <<< have transcended the ego
>>> I <<< have become enlightened

See the problem? xD 

Oh yeah.  I’ve come to the conclusion that many times people with the hugest egos are the ones trying to claim they have the smallest egos.  This is a way to hide their own shadow traits from conscious awareness.  Their ego has clung to the trait of no-Ego, but it’s not really reality for them, they’ve just repressed the truth from conscious awareness by pretending the opposite.  But when you watch their behavior, in contrast to their talk, they reek of massive ego.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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'Nonsense, nonsense,' snapped the owl, 'there is no "you" to be anything nor any "thing" for you to be!'
'Pity,' sighed the rabbit, 'I have always thought that there was.'

'Thought! Thought!!' deplored the owl, swivelling his head through ninety degrees. 'A futile habit, universally condemned by the Sages.'
'What are the Sages, then, who cannot be bothered to think, and how do they sage?'

'Those who apperceive,' explained the owl shortly, 'present a further dimensional extension.'
'And what may that be?'

'A further direction of measurement - of vision,' explained the owl.
'And how does that work?' asked the rabbit.

'Conceptualizing is thereby excluded,' snapped the owl; 'split-mind is then whole.'
'And what is the effect of that?' inquired the rabbit.

'They see directly, of course,' the owl answered, swivelling back his head and fixing the rabbit with his luminous eyes, 'and then, of course, "they" are absent.'
'So what?' mused the rabbit uneasily. 'I mean, what is present?'

'Present?' asked the owl. 'Why, everything, of course!'
'Everything?' queried the rabbit, skipping with surprise. 'How can that be?'

'In my conceptual absence,' hooted the owl, 'everyone and everything is welcome HERE, where I AM, - and where they will be Absolutely at home!'

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@Joseph Maynor  I suppose it depends on how one defines the 'ego.'  Is it a belief in an exclusive, segregated self-identity? Is it still the ego, if there is a dreamlike sense of an apparent individual locus or expression of Awareness, for the sake of this relational experience, absent the exclusive identification and attachment? I'd suggest there is a significant difference in effect.

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There will always be a sense of self even though they do not mean the same after realization. 

The end of questions is what's left

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You with all these trap idea threads are a trap..... and it appears I have been snared by yet another one.... dam.

Edited by SOUL

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30 minutes ago, cirkussmile said:

There will always be a sense of self

Yes, I agree, as it is indeed integral to this relational experience. Just not sure that sense of self is the same as the belief in that sense of self as an exclusive, segregated self-identity -- aka the ego. Maybe just semantics, but it surely feels different.

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I experience brief gaps without ego. What if those gaps became expanded?

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2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Is it a Trap to Believe that You Have Transcended the Ego?

Self wants to transcendence itself, as itself - cannot.

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