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Fear of doctors

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So here we are another year another examinations appointment scheduled. Since i was a little child i genuinely had fear of doctors, dunno why , never got hospitalized or had nothing more than a 2 week flu but still when i enter in hospital to do certain test etc i always get fear and anxiety even if i know there's nothing at all. Is that normal? You have it? I usually face the problem before it snowballs but the more i go the more i think it should pass and still things are the same... My body reacts to the sexy nurse with the results in hands as she was an SS executioner team. . . 

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  On 1/2/2018 at 5:00 PM, Leo-Tzu said:

So here we are another year another examinations appointment scheduled. Since i was a little child i genuinely had fear of doctors, dunno why , never got hospitalized or had nothing more than a 2 week flu but still when i enter in hospital to do certain test etc i always get fear and anxiety even if i know there's nothing at all. Is that normal? You have it? I usually face the problem before it snowballs but the more i go the more i think it should pass and still things are the same... My body reacts to the sexy nurse with the results in hands as she was an SS executioner team. . . 

If you fear it, then you must understand the fear to overcome it. Just 'knowing' that the end result might not be enough, just like knowing that cigarettes will give you lung cancer won't make you quit.

You want my opinion? Go there with full awareness, observe yourself being fearful and try to articulate to yourself WHY you are scared. When you have a reaction to something, try to figure out where that reaction stems from and ultimately face it.

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