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Questions about Third Eye, Pineal Gland and Enlightenment

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So as it seems as though there are photoreceptive cells in the pineal gland, which in a more primitive form is found as an actual third eye on lizards. Does the term enlightenment come from the experience of the "third eye" actually being stimulated and "hallucinating" light? And if so, how do people describe the expirience? Obviously I can't imagine having a third eye, so is there actually an experience of a third (or rather a second) visual field added to consciousness? With how visual interpretation works I would assume that the visual information would probably more likely be "overlaid" onto the already existing visual field, like how our brain merges the information of both our eyes together. So that would probably mean that the experience would seem like everything just gets lighter, with a broadening of the visual field. Is this how it is described?

And if the Pineal Gland is responsible for the illusion of self, it would make perfect sense that if stimulated an experience of a light would occur, which would describe the experience of birth (which obviously we cannot recall) and the experience of the brain shutting down (seeing the light). An additional question would be why the brain actually stimulates the Pineal Gland on death and what evolutionary purpose that would have. And also what happens if when a more sudden death occurs, where the brain is damaged and does not run the protocol of shutting down? What would even be the difference, both end in the cessation of the self. Maybe the shutting down of certain mind-systems simply leads to the illusion of self disappearing, but I read that the brain specifically produces DMT on death.


Edited by Scholar

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