
Meta-Ignorance: The Source Of Victim Mentality, Projection And Psychopathy

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On the last day of 2017, I had a huge insight. The sun was going down, and all of a sudden, I heard a petard exploding. I became angry and went outside. How can these people be so fucking ignorant of the pain dogs face with every single explosion they are exposed to? How can they place their own well being over others' well being?

After a while, I went outside to comfort my dog, and then it hit me. How can I be so fucking ignorant that I place my own well being over others' well being? C'mon, my desire for the well being of my dog is a selfish desire in itself. I named this phenomenon meta-ignorance. Ignoring the fact that you put your own desires over other's ignorance to put their desires over yours.

Maybe I am just scratching the surface, but this is where victim mentality, projection and flat out psychopathy comes from. At least try to become conscious of it if you haven't already.

Is this rabbit hole going deeper?

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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12 minutes ago, Torkys said:

On the last day of 2017, I had a huge insight. The sun was going down, and all of a sudden, I heard a petard exploding. I became angry and went outside. How can these people be so fucking ignorant of the pain dogs face with every single explosion they are exposed to? How can they place their own well being over others' well being?

After a while, I went outside to comfort my dog, and then it hit me. How can I be so fucking ignorant that I place my own well being over others' well being? C'mon, my desire for the well being of my dog is a selfish desire in itself. I named this phenomenon meta-ignorance. Ignoring the fact that you put your own desires over other's ignorance to put their desires over yours.

Maybe I am just scratching the surface, but this is where victim mentality, projection and flat out psychopathy comes from. At least try to become conscious of it if you haven't already.

Is this rabbit hole going deeper?

I was ignorant about the fact that dogs suffer from the explosions. Ofcourse, they have hyper sensitive hearing.. But I never thought about it. I was ignorant about it, even though it is obvious once you know... Perhaps like other *fundamental* things we are ignorant of :D 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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8 hours ago, Torkys said:

How can these people be so fucking ignorant of the pain dogs face with every single explosion they are exposed to?

@Torkys +1 for caring and understanding dogs' plight at this time of year.

So many doggies seriously frightened by these loud noises.  Dogs run away from this pain, leading to a homeless short life on the streets - a guaranteed slow death.  Same goes for marine animals (dolphins/whales) and oceanic explosions, which often force them to beach themselves in order to escape the massive pain.

Do hooomans really need to blow up stuff to express their joy?  Don't we have enough noise in our heads?   o.O

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Wow.  This is a nice insight and set up for a nice discussion.  The paradox you gotta balance in life is being the ego and no-ego at the same time.  It’s a little bit tricky to see how you can do both of these at once, but you can.  Looking at things from the perspective of no-ego represses ego, which is a denial of reality and creates a shadow to the ego to boot.  And that shadow acts incognito of awareness, which is what makes it such a trap.  If you can learn how to be the ego and no-ego at once, and to cling loosely to that paradox, and to be able to release it at anytime as well — you’ll approach my present state of consciousness.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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