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Simona Ctin

Living Consciously

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Hi people! I've been reading for a while many stuff about life purpose and I came across this statement "Living consciously ".I'd like to know what that means for all of you. :D

Edited by Simona Ctin

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"The more I live consciously, the more I trust my mind and respect my worth; and if I trust my mind and respect my worth, it feels natural to live consciously. The more I live with integrity, the more I enjoy good self-esteem; and if I enjoy good self-esteem, it feels natural to live with integrity."

Edited by Simona Ctin

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To me, "living consciously" means to learn and grow. When you're thinking consciously, you are constantly gaining insight and adjusting your path. When you are thinking subconsciously, you are doing something that merely gets you from point A to B; it doesn't affect your path at all.

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I see living consciously as a heightened awareness. Being aware of yourself, your thought and actions, motive. What drives you and makes you tick at any moment in time. And not just you, but the world and other people.

I have an analogy for this: The car and and driver.

The driver get in to the car and drives from a to b. The car serves a purpose, it provides a means and a function. The drive doesn't care how it works. He isn't even aware of it. He doesn't give it a second thought. Just does what he was taught to do to get it to operate in the way he needs to get from a to b. They don't recognise when something ins't quite right, what that noise was, why it felt odd, what needs servicing and when. When they hit some ice they don't know what is happening, why the car moves as it does and how to control it. They are unaware of the limitations of the machine and their own abilities.

But imagine that someone studies engineering. They took cars apart and rebuilt them. They knew how they worked, intimately. When they get in and drive they know in their mind everything that is going on. Every sound, every vibration, feeling, They know how to interpret every motion and respond to it so if they drive over ice they can maintain control because they can 'feel' exactly what is happening. When something breaks, they know how to recognise it and fix it. When they hear that tell-tale sound they can repair the fault before it breaks down. They know how to drive efficiently and causing minimum wear to the machine. They know the limitations.

The simple driver lives in ignorant, naive bliss. But as a consequence they are unaware of so much and on occasion that will come back to bite them. The engineer is totally connectied to the car, is aware of everything that is going on. He can respond to problems more effectively and consciously.

It is the same with living consciously. The conscious person is more aware of the mechanics of their own mind and the world around them.

Living uncosciously is a bit like operating on 'autopilot'. Being a passenger. Where as conscious people aren't the passenger. They are the pilot.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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@Simona Ctin living consciously means just being present in the moment to me , which means that we are 95 % times living unconsciously or subconsciously

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